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Pantheon / GUAG Deus Ex Salvator

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The Grand United Alliance of Good, after managing to settle things with the other Alliances, has realized that it isn't always enough to just stop the villains and those responsible for their dismay. Whether it's from the aftermath of a rough battle between the Protectorate Union and the Grand United Alliance of Destruction, a Destructive Savior outside the GUAG doing their usual business, or simply a nearby settlement, town, or group in need of recovery from all of the unpredictable and zany events in the Pantheon, the Deus Ex Salvator group fulfills the demand for support that the GUAG has sorely needed, aiming to provide literal recovery for those in need, whether medical or mechanical. As such, they shine where many men and women of action have neglected, and while they're not in the Alliance's spotlight, their humble work has the Alliance's gratitude.

Florence Nightingale, Goddess of Medicine

  • Quasideity, Intermediate Goddess as a Servant

  • Alignment: Lawful Good(Chaotic Good as a Servant)

  • Reason for Joining: In life, the Angel of Crimea pioneered medicine, statistics, and feminism in order to reduce suffering both at war and in her home Victorian England. During the reorganization of the GUAG, Cosmos recognized Folrence's ability to teach others and navigate politics while also being an excellent medical professional, which put her above the other healers in the Pantheon in terms of leadership ability. For this reason, the Goddess of Good asked her to become the leader of the new Deux Ex Salvator department. Florence agreed, in order to continue her mission of caring for the sick and injured.

  • Cooperation Ability: Thanks to Nightingale's experience as a teacher and leader, she is on relatively good terms with the other deities in her department and the GUAG in general. There are some reports of deities falling in love with her after being under her care, but there are no confirmed cases. However, coordinating the efforts of very eccentric and sometimes egotistical doctors is not exactly easy, and she sometimes turns into her servant form to resolve conflicts with force.

  • Role: As the leader of Deus Ex Salvator, she is not only responsible for the individual states of the patients under the department's care, but also larger-scale concerns like sanitation, maintenance, logistics, and the wellbeing of staff. Despite all these challenges, she manages to manage everything with grace, or at least when she's not in her "amputate everything" Berserker form (who can apparently revive people after killing them). Due to her good reputation in medicine, she is a respected voice in the GUAG when it comes to medical matters, such as putting restrooms closer together and installing proper ventilation in buildings. And if her patients ever get caught up in the crossfire of war, then the enemy better be prepared to get a Berseker fist to face.
