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Offscreen Moment Of Awesome / Video Games

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  • In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: Ezio Auditore walks into the Rosa expecting to find his sister dead at the hands of the guards. Instead he finds that she killed a group of armed and armored guards with a knife, while wearing a dress, off screen.
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations: At the climax, Ezio enters Sophia's bookshop to find Yusuf has killed several Janissaries all by himself. He's dead, but he clearly made them work for it.
  • Assassin's Creed: Odyssey: Several times through the "Legacy of the First Blade" DLC, it's possible to find a large pile of bodies in Darius's wake. All the more impressive given he's pretty elderly even for the time of the setting.
  • Buckshot Roulette: You're not the first person the Dealer has roped into his game, as you discover a bloody waver in the second round, apparently signed by God Himself. And the Dealer won. Notably, if you die in the final round, your afterlife is a barren wasteland beyond The Pearly Gates, implying God is, indeed, dead.
  • One of the most iconic events in the Castlevania franchise is Dracula's Killed Off for Real moment in 1999, in which Julius Belmont sealed off Dracula's castle, cutting off Dracula from his source of power, and then killed Dracula. The catch? This climatic battle has never been depicted in any Castlevania media; the closest we get is retellings of it in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow duology, not even a cutscene.
  • In Chapter 5 of Clone Drone in the Danger Zone, we get a small glimpse of what the second Human has been up to while the player was tearing their way through the robots' harvesting fleet. At some point, they managed to take over a Jetpack bot, and joined the melee out in the vacuum.
  • The Costume Quest kids get down from the Ferris wheel with a brilliant plan. Immediate cut to the kids on the ground.
  • Digital Devil Saga 2 has one for Jenna Angel. An entire squadron of soldiers rush into her office to arrest her. Her response? Rip off her shirt, display her Atma mark and showcase exactly why she was the Final Boss of the previous game.
  • In Dragon Age: Origins, the enchanter Sandal apparently slaughters an entire platoon of darkspawn. You arrive in the aftermath of this.
    Sandal: Enchantment?
    Warden: You're surrounded by darkspawn corpses, what happened here?!
    Sandal: Enchantment!
    • He does this again in Dragon Age II. Twice, no less.
      • The first time, much like the event in the first game, there's a giant frozen ogre, and Sandal's response?
    Sandal: NOT Enchantment...
  • There's one implied in Dragon Age: Inquisition, if Horsemaster Dennet is recruited before the end of Act 1. During the sacking of Haven, he's one of the few named NPCs who doesn't require the player's help to survive. Later, when the Inquisition settles at Skyhold, he's there along with all of the horses in his care. There's no opportunity to ask him how he managed to do that; if the player character goes to the stable, s/he can be heard commenting, "I forgot about the Fereldan horses!"
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has a moment where the Dovahkiin has to ride a dragon to reach their final destination. "Hold on, Dovahkiin! Prepare to see Skyrim as you never have before!". As soon as they rise into the air and the choir kicks in, the player is skipped directly towards the destination. They addressed this later with the "Dragonborn" Downloadable Content, which adds the ability to travel Skyrim by riding dragons.
  • In the "Fate" route of Fate/stay night, Archer's standoff with Berserker is relegated to an off-screen bang, and Rin and Shirou's reactions. The anime fully renders the awesomeness, with perhaps more justice than the Visual Novel could.
    • Another one in the "Heaven's Feel" route, if you decide to let Rin kill Sakura. Kotomine predicts what's going to happen next and it sounds awesome — then you get a Game Over screen.
  • Quite a number of people would like to know how, in Fire Emblem Fates, Camilla talked Beruka, her would-be assassin, into becoming her loyal subordinate.
  • In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn this comes at the very end of the game when Alex goes off to fight Blados and Chalis off screen to give you time to save the world. Of course they all wind up surviving this little encounter. Camelot is quite skilled at never letting you know just how powerful this particular character is.
  • Halo:
    • The Battle of Earth as a whole is this trope. The actual massive battle takes place in between Halo 2 and Halo 3. Additionally, the climatic space battle between the Elite and Covenant fleets in the latter game also happens offscreen while you're off doing your own thing. Similarly, a lot of the massive battles of Halo: Reach happen in the background.
    • The backstory of Halo Infinite tells us that the Created, the tremendous new threat introduced in Halo 5: Guardians with their huge armies of Forerunner superweapons, were somehow completely demolished inbetween games by the Banished, a Covenant splinter group. While the Created were not a very popular story development, having their apparently crushing and total defeat happen entirely off-screen had a lot of players scratching their heads.
  • The House of the Dead: OVERKILL plays this for laughs at the final boss. Then subverts it because you fight the final boss anyway.
    Agent G: Varla, this is for you!
    G: How we survived that, I don't know.
    Washington: Hey, if we hadn't found these miniguns just lyin' around, we'd be fuckin' dead for sure!
  • During most of Kirby and the Forgotten Land while Kirby is saving Waddle Dee's, Meta Knight is protecting the town from further attacks. Collectable figure descriptions also reveal that he fought the first boss, Gorimondo 30 times without losing and resisted being brainwashed by the true Big Bad.
  • In Knights of the Old Republic, you can find Calo Nord's journal. Reading it reveals he once chucked a grenade down a rancor's throat. While riding its shoulders.
  • I Was a Teenage Exocolonist:
    • The Stratospheric's crash-landing on Vertumna and the two weeks of struggle that followed it are not shown, because Sol was rendered comatose during the first few minutes.
    • Some of the fights that Sol gets to join during Glow attacks if they have enough Bravery come with the implication that some non-combatants are managing to hold their own off-screen in timelines in which Sol can't join those very same fights.
  • The first three installements of the Mass Effect series hint at events that are only ever obliquely referred to, but loom large in the game's canon:
    • From the first game, it's established that the Elcor fight by strapping massive clusters of heavy weaponry to their backs, and lay waste to their enemies using VI-targeted fire. They are referred to on several occasions as "living tanks". Despite setting up a scenario where the player can find and rescue some of these units who need friendly support in the third game, the entirety of the rescue operation occurs offscreen and is only referenced after the fact.
    • We hear two different, unrelated stories about a Krogan battlemaster and an Asari commando tearing apart a space station in epic duels. Both times, the storyteller neglects to describe any parts of the battle itself.
    • Many of the DLC missions in Mass Effect 2 become this if you didn't buy or play the DLC prior to starting 3. Not completing the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC leads to Liara assaulting said enemy's base alone (and subsequently taking over his operations), while Alliance marines will take Shepherd's place during the events of Arrival (if it wasn't completed) and smash the asteroid into the Mass Relay themselves in a Heroic Sacrifice.
    • In Mass Effect 3, after spending the entire game gathering war assets and building an army, almost none of your war assets are seen or even mentioned during the final battle.
    • One minor Fetch Quest involves finding a dinosaur fossil so they can be cloned and used as cavalry. As with all other War Assets, we never see the results of this.
    • Pretty much everything Anderson does: Earth is one of the first planets attacked, Humanity's homeworld takes the brunt of the Reapers' wrath, its main cities are destroyed within days if not hours, yet Anderson manages to mount a resistance movement, reorganize the Humans living outside the cities efficiently enough that not only does Earth resist until the very end of the game after Thessia has gone silent and Palaven has been abandonned by Turians who cannot both defend their homeworld and prepare to escort the Crucible anymore, but manage, with no help from the outside to prepare a final assault against the Reaper beam in London. And we don't see any of it.
    • The Miracle of Palaven also qualifies. The Turian navy draws the Reapers away from Palaven, the Turian leadership and resistance infiltrate the Reapers when called aboard them for "peace talks" and set up bombs, destroying several Reapers from the inside. At the same time, the Krogan (with said dinosaurs) arrive and join the Turian military in a concerted push that takes back large areas and boost galactic morale. Sadly, we only learn about it from a Codex entry.
    • Ashley/Kaidan had an offscreen One-Man Army moment at about the game's halfway point when Cerberus launched a coup on the Citadel.
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda:
    • In the very first level, it's possible to find a squad of slain kett just outside their base, as a result of Alec Ryder passing through, with barely more than a minute's headstart on the player character. Man was an N7 for a reason, after all.
    • Bain is found in a kett bunker, surrounded by dead kett and burning vehicles, implicitly his own handiwork.
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty: The Big Shell falls apart as Arsenal Gear breaks free. Then a few hours later Arsenal Gear crashes into New York, causing even more destruction. But the master discs were burned on September 12, 2001 so it all happened off-screen, making the ending even more disjointed.
    • Speaking of the Big Shell falling apart, while we do see the Computer Room fill with water, we never see it touch or carry away the lifeless body of Emma, and so miss out on what could have potentially been a very poignant Burial at Sea. It wouldn't have been much of a stretch either, considering the game had already done something similar for Sergei Gurlukovich and Scott Dolph, who were far less important to the story.
    • Not to mention Solid Snake, as a — well, as a concept. We get to play as him for two hours, if you play slowly and get all the Easter Eggs, And Now for Someone Completely Different! He runs around the Big Shell killing sentries left and right and doing crazy stunts to defuse bombs, and we have his word to go on, only. He goes off to have a showdown with a ninja, and the only indication of this we get is him telling Raiden that he has his hands full with something on his end, followed by another character explaining what had happened, later on. The raised middle finger of this whole aspect was very, very, very intentional.
    • Also, the opening cutscene of MGS2 explains that Solid Snake and Otacon traveled around the world for two years destroying Metal Gears as part of the non-government group Philanthropy. Considering that Snake has only starred in two full next-gen games (to date), was it too much to ask for a interquel game detailing the intervening years of their involvement with the group?
    • Fortune drags him atop Arsenal Gear in handcuffs. How did that happen? It was probably awesome. We probably would have liked to see that.
    • After Sons of Liberty Raiden goes on a journey to rescue a child named Sunny from The Patriots. With help from another party he finds her and leaves her under Otacon and Snake's care. He still has a horrible confrontation with the Patriots who play with him and ruin his body. Raiden manages to escape and the journey has affected him so much that he Took a Level in Badass after being The Scrappy. He later goes on a journey to find the corpse of Big Boss in compensation assistance with Sunny. When will Kojima Productions develop a game focused on this? (The answer was original supposed to be Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but when they handed it over to Platinum they made it a sequel).
  • Monark has the offscreen fight between Pactbearers Ryotaro and Kurama before the start of the game, after Kurama attempted to force Ryotaro into his Assimilation Plot. All we know is that Ryotaro won it rather easily.
  • In No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, Henry does Travis a favor by killing ranks 6 and 5, but the player doesn't get to control him (Despite the fact they just fought a Giant Space Flea from Nowhere in Henry's dream as Henry himself). In true No More Heroes fashion, the game then proceeds to call players out on their disappointment, and Henry sends Travis pictures of him posing with their corpses to "Hold you over".
    • Although, it's thought pretty widely that the boss fights were supposed to be played, but got Dummied Out.
  • In Octopath Traveler II, during the final chapter, Lady Clarissa apparently managed to sneak up on Ori when she was spying on Elena (who is of a special bloodline that could possibly threaten the Moonshade Order), and she immediately saw through Ori's excuse of being a simple newspaper saleswoman. Apparently, no one has ever managed to catch Ori when she was snooping around before, and this is enough to convince Ori to give up on watching Elena. While the player can find journal entries telling them of this event, it's not directly shown onscreen.
  • Can occur in Overwatch. At the end of each match, the game awards "Play of the Game", and shows a replay of it. The problem is, the replay is from the player's perspective, even if they're playing as someone like Torbjörn, whose main gimmick is a sentry turret that might not even be anywhere near him. In that case, the replay won't show the turret's amazing killing spree that actually earned Play of the Game, but whatever Torbjörn coincidentally happened to be doing at the time, such as sliding off a cliff while dead, or trying to look up Odile!Widowmaker's dress.
  • The fangame Paper Mario World sets up a boss battle... then doesn't deliver any boss battle at all. To elaborate, Mario's allies just managed to free Mario from being trapped in a cave, but then Bowser shows up. All of them prepare for what what would be a third Bowser battle, but then a white screen shows up saying something like, "And then Mario and friends defeated Bowser." Then you see Bowser running away, and the others continue the game as if nothing happened.
  • Persona 5:
    • Talking to Futaba on November 20th has her reveal that Makoto pulled one off. She realized that their plan to fake Joker's death by having Akechi shoot a Metaverse version of him could be thwarted if Akechi were to run across Sae's cognitive version of Akechi in her palace, tipping him off what was going on. The team rushed into the Metaverse and found this cognitive version of Akechi, whom Makoto swiftly knocked out and tied up in a different part of Sae's palace, to ensure the two Akechis wouldn't meet.
    • There's a month-long offscreen moment of awesome for the thieves, sans Joker, and his confidants. The player only sees short scenes with every maxed out Confidant, where they all rally together to work on getting Joker's criminal record wiped clean to get him out juvenile hall by tracking down the woman that Shido forced to give a false statement, and getting her to retract it.. They succeed by the time February rolls around.
  • The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies DLC case notably ends just before the new aquarium show is about to start. There's no cinematic for it or even dialogue. The ending cinematic to "Turnabout Academy" has this to a lesser extent, as it shows the start of the rescheduled concert, but ends before Juniper starts to sing.
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky/Darkness/Time:
    • Team Skull attacks Wigglytuff and attempts to knock him out. This fails, and Wigglytuff single-handedly destroys all three of them without breaking a sweat off screen. Team Skull is not seen again for a long time.
    • Wigglytuff has another one when narrating his flashback of the first visit to Brine Cave; Chatot prevents Kabutops and his henchmen from instantly defeating Wigglytuff, after which Wigglytuff effortlessly thrashed them.
  • Pokémon Black and White has N defeating the Elite Four before you can, and by the time you reach the Champion, N has already defeated him.
  • Pokémon Sword and Shield has several, mostly several instances of other characters taking down out-of-control Dynamaxed Pokémon during Eternatus' awakening, and during the post-game story when Bede takes down several before the player arrives to assist Ballonlea Gym. The most notable, however, is Champion Leon taking down several Dynamaxed Pokémon to save his brother Hop, who only recounts to you what happened afterwards, which the player had basically only missed from observing by a matter of minutes. The only thing you're shown is a news article with Leon and his Charizard standing over an unconscious Dynamaxed Perrserker in the aftermath of the battle.
  • In Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend, there is a segment where the Postal Dude is asked to help "relocate pigeons," and he is handed a rocket launcher. The game immediately cuts to a video of Running With Scissors' CEO complaining over the phone that they don't have the money to make such a level. When the game cuts back to the Dude, he's standing in a massive pool of blood and feathers.
    Dude: "Man, that was the most incredible thing I've ever done!"
  • In the video game adaptation of Power Rangers Samurai, the first level ends with them making the Megazord... then you get text saying that the Megazord won. No fight, no cutscene, no nothing. At least you get to fight with the Megazord in future levels (as a Quick Time Event).
  • Quest for Glory II: Played hilariously straight. Your caravan is accosted by hundreds of brigands and looks to be overwhelmed. Following an intermission, you find yourself on top of a mountain of corpses, the brigands vanquished.
  • In RefleX's final two stages, as the ZODIAC Ophiuchus you get to fight ZODIAC Virgo and ZODIAC Libra. While there do exist 10 other ZODIAC units, their destruction, also by Ophiuchus, is only mentioned in a text interlude between the 7th and 8th stages.
  • The Umbrella corporation in the Resident Evil franchise is portrayed as the evil MegaCorp that caused the zombie outbreak throughout multiple games. The endings of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis imply that the protagonists are going to take on Umbrella directly, but the closest they ever gotten was Claire storming Umbrella's headquarters at the start of Resident Evil – Code: Veronica and then getting captured quickly. By the start of Resident Evil 4, Umbrella gets into trouble with the government and they fall into bankruptcy. To rub the salt further into the wound, Jill and Chris in a flashback during Resident Evil 5 are shown to be hunting down the man behind Umbrella, but Wesker intervenes and cuts their plan short. A shame that the player never gets to take Umbrella down themselves directly. Spencer, the guy behind Umbrella, is shown to be an extremely frail and old man confined to a wheelchair and is killed off by Wesker in a cut scene. It is also stated that Wesker was the one who had leaked information to the government about Umbrella's experiments and also testified against them in court.
  • Runescape features a quest called "King of the Dwarves", where you trick a troll warlord into battling an army of Chaos Dwarves. And what does this epic battle look like? The troll warlord tells you to go back to the city and he'll take care of it.
    • The Player-Owned Ports minigame culminates in the Ragtag Bunch of Misfits you've been helping on their individual quests banding together to take down an Eastern warlord with the powers of an Elder Artifact, an unlimited horde of brainwashed sea monsters, and potential godhood. Since you're stuck managing the port, you never see any of it.
    • If you talk to Kuradal after "Ritual of the Mahjarrat", she's frustrated that she missed the battle with Lucien and the appearance of the Dragonkin, as she got trapped in the cave by a rockslide. All she got to do was battle a few hundred Glacors to kill time waiting for rescue...
  • In Sam & Max: Freelance Police, Sam sums up the events that lead them to be trapped by Jurgen. When Sam and Max confront him, the flashback ends the second they're about to start fighting.
    Sam: And then there was the most epic battle of our entire career!
  • Soaring Machinariae: Mel and Orchis are also trying to complete the island's trial, and they succeed in obtaining all five keys needed to enter the Tower of Desire, which means they also fought the five elemental bosses. After the second boss of the Tower of Desire, Orchis narrowly defeats a copy of Iris.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog CD: Amy shows up right after delivering the last hit to the final boss, implying she managed to get through the entire Metallic Madness Zone on her own. Not bad after spending most of the game as a Damsel in Distress. She does something similar in Sonic Adventure 2, where she somehow manages to get to Prison Island before Tails, and get to Sonic's prison cell while Tails is busy going through the actual level.
  • Many Companion quests in Star Wars: The Old Republic involve some of these (as companions after the first accomplish most of their personal goals off screen to save development time. Jaessa Wilsaam kills a sith lord in single combat, despite only being an apprentice herself, Lt. Pierce manages to take one of the most fortified stations in history with only a small team of black ops troopers and a small detachment of soldiers, while M1-4X's entire storyline involves ever increasingly awesome deeds of patriotic fervor, starting with capturing an Imperial propaganda specialist through incredibly precise timing, a flimsy window, and a passing speeder, and ending with Capturing an Imperial scientist... with only basic motor functions intact.
  • In Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II, one of the bonus missions, "Triumph of the Empire", is an Alternate Continuity mission where you play as Darth Vader and stop the Rebels from blowing up the Death Star. If you succeed, Vader remarks that it will be a great day for the Empire, and...the mission ends without showing the moon-shaped station blowing up Yavin IV. Which is strange, given that in the first mission of the game, "Death Star Attack" (which follows canon), Yavin is shown being destroyed if you run out of torpedoes.
  • Street Fighter has Akuma's Raging Demon attack. It is never shown onscreen, but it is one of the most epic and powerful moves in the entire series.
    "Die one thousand deaths!"
    • Subverted in Street Fighter V, which finally gives us a glimpse of what Akuma does when the lights go out, and even then it eventually gets too fast for the player to tell what's going on besides an insanely fast beatdown of punches from every conceivable angle.
  • Super Metroid: There is a third Torizo statue in Tourian that seems as though it will be another miniboss battle, but Samus doesn't have to fight it — it disintegrates as she passes it. We find out why on the next screen: the Super Metroid got there before she did.
  • Upon reaching Mars in Super Robot Wars Z: Tengoku-hen, the Arc Sabers reveal they were fighting the Meganoids all this time. Just before Z-BLUE's arrival, Banjo had singlehandedly destroyed them all.
  • Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS has the reveal trailer of Lucina and Robin, which starts off with Chrom (also from Awakening) lying in defeat and Lucina barely holding her own after facing Captain Falcon in battle, who looks no worse for wear. There's still plenty of awesome afterwards though.
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky: During Chapter 7, Kilika Rouran arrives to break up the battle between Walter and Zin atop Carnelia Tower, implying she got through the entire dungeon you just traversed solo. Why you fight her (or rather, a copy of her with her exact skills and memories, It Makes Sense in Context) in Sky the 3rd, you'll see she's definitely strong enough to pull that off.
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: In the second game, Victor Arseid pulls a Big Damn Heroes to hold off McBurn in his demon form, one of Ouroboros' strongest Enforcers. If you backtrack to this room afterwards, you'll see that neither of them are there... and the entire room is severely damaged.
  • In Triangle Strategy, Rudolph is a salt smuggler who got caught by the Aesfrosti guards shortly before the player has the chance to visit Aesfrost in Chapter 3. The soldier who tells Serenoa about this during Chapter 2 mentions that it took the Blackirons, Aesfrost's most elite troops, to finally bring Rudolph in, and even then Rudolph managed to injure the soldier in question during the process.
  • In Undertale, once you complete the Neutral path and sorta-befriend Flowey, eventually he will tell you how Papyrus' brother, Sans, 'caused him more than his fair share of resets', presumably when Flowey tried to kill everyone in the underground. We never get to see it ourselves, but you can have a taste of it in the No Mercy route. But be forewarned: You're gonna have a bad time.
  • The Walking Dead:
    • Christa and Clementine have this during the beginning of Season 2 considering the two of them survived sixteen months until they got separated in the apocalypse. Keep in mind that Clementine is a little girl and Christa was a Broken Bird after losing Omid and also her baby and it's also implied that they never joined a group during that time meaning they managed to do all that on their own.
    • Also Luke who at one point follows the player and several others back to Carver's settlement by foot without stopping to sleep or eat in Season 2 Episode 3.
    • Clementine, at the age of 11, manages to raise an infant alone and to an extent herself while on the run (regardless of the ending of Season 2), and does a pretty good job.
  • After spending hours in Xenogears undergoing hideous trials such as Babel Tower and Kislev's Absurdly Spacious Sewer, it is difficult to convey how disappointing it is to have entire dungeons and some truly epic-sounding battles narrated as recaps by characters sitting in chairs.
    • Considering Xenogears had some nightmarish dungeons, especially Nortune's Goddamn Sewer, that's something of a blessing.
