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Nightmare Fuel / Xenosaga

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Ah, ma belle pêche, there's no need to tremble like that...note 

Despite being a Teen rated game, Xenosaga sometimes has scenes that are so frightening and disturbing that it should very well warrant a mature rating.

Spoilers are unmarked, so proceed with caution.

  • The first episode of the series features a scene in which the main antagonist Albedo (who is truly one of the most insane and horrifying villains in video games: batshit crazy and physically incapable of dying) after murdering a whole score of little (humanoid robot) girls and scattering them across his room, traumatizes a little (humanoid robot) girl by sawing off his own arm and head in front of her. And then mind-raping her... leaving her a mindless doll, apparently. To make this worse? In the Japanese release, he cuts his head off. In the US release, this is censored.... To ripping it off with no assistance. Also, note that, after ripping off his head and speaking through it, he stomps on it. Small wonder that this scene ends up on many “disturbing bosses/moments in non-horror games” lists.
  • The Creepy Child version of Albedo is equally this, especiallly during the end of Episode II.
  • Even without going into the infamous MOMO scene, Albedo qualifies on his own. A laughing lunatic that can regenerate from his own injuries, and has no qualms about ripping his own fucking head off! (Yes, this has been mentioned before, but it bears repeating.) Add his horrible Breaking Speeches, and disturbing, EXTREMELY disturbing interactions with MOMO that has none-too-subtle allusions to rape, and the fact he wavers between wanting to kill Jr. and sniffing his hair while strangling him. It's generally agreed that the English version of Albedo is much, much more terrifying than the Japanese version, thanks to some ill-thought out censoring and Voice-acting skills presenting Albedo as much more unhinged. Thank Crispin Freeman (the voice of Albedo and Alucard from Hellsing), who traumatized a good portion of people who played Xenosaga for the first time. There's a reason Game Informer put Albedo on the "Top 10 Villains" that year.
    • As for the allusions to rape, the entire scene is played out as if it was an actual rape scene in all of its horror. Albedo abducts her after luring her into a isolated area, makes her lay flat, places his hand on her (head) and there's this gasp of fear and pain as he plunges into her (mind). All the while she's scared senseless, pleading with him to stop and calling out for Ziggy and Jr..
  • One of the most frightening things about Albedo is how convincingly insane he is. Most "crazy" villains are just exceedingly vicious sociopaths; Albedo's constant stream of half-coherent babble, biblical allusions, and bizarre figures of speech goes a long way towards making him seem not just violent and cruel, but completely batshit crazy.
    Albedo: There's enough of it, we can afford to waste as much as we want! Like my head, you see? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  • Albedo's theme from the first game. It's creepy enough as it is, but mixed in with the Mind Rape scenes with MOMO, and it becomes flat out terrifying.
  • In the first episode of Xenosaga, there is an unpleasant scene where we get to see the effects of a gnosis' touch upon humans. Despite the otherwise hammy acting in much of the game, watching the poor soldier who gets grabbed by a gnosis struggle and thrash, go limp, turn to salt and shatter is deeply disturbing.
  • There's that one scene, thankfully only shown in a couple half-second flashes, of Febrona's corpse being eaten by a horde of mutants (One of which you later meet as an Optional Boss). Nothing is shown, just the mutants in a big huddle, the horrible, horrible chewing sounds, and Febrona's head jerking randomly as they tear at her body...
  • There's the creepy looking 27 Series Asura Realians, who weren't even nearly ready for combat, but were released during the Militian Conflict. What happened? They, along with the normal Realians went rogue. A few went and killed Shion's parents right in front of her eyes when she was about eight years old. This leads to a touching scene where kid Shion was kneeling on the ground, her mother's blood pooling in her hands, with her chanting that she "has to put it back". They sadly censored this, however, when they removed every instance of blood in the game. What was once a Tear Jerker became more of a Creepy Child moment, until you could understand what was going on. It was also in that moment Shion in her sorrow summons the Gnosis to that planet and the rest is history.
  • Gnosification tends to be rather nightmareish.
    • The beginning of Episode 1 really sets up how horrific gnosis can be as they massacre the crew of the ship you just spent 2 or 3 hours walking around. Until KOS-MOS' CMOA, no one even manages to touch them, while the AGWS units and cannons outside of the ship are dwindled down to nothing, and internally the foot-soldiers and realians are crushed, turned to salt and shattered with a single touch, and thrown about in a bloody mess, with only AGWS units being able to stand against them and even then just barely as the gnosis can possess some of AGWS units.
    • In Episode III there's a brief glimpse of Kevin's mom gnosified as he escapes the planet.
    • Episode I also has the gnosified humans stored within the Durandal.
    • Shion's conversation with Cherenkov after the latter becomes a Gnosis. It looks like it's going to be a lovely scene, with Cherenkov watching the sun set over a beach. Cherenkov's description of what being a Gnosis means, however, is anything but beautiful. It means being completely alone, with no hope, joy, or sorrow, no future, and gradually fading into the void you've created for yourself. And then he promises that Shion will eventually meet the same fate.
  • The concept of the U-Do, itself: An alien being (he's actually God, sent into the Heroes' realm as a child and later, a flying Ark) that spies on the whole of humanity, even though he does it for scientific reasons more than anything.
  • At the end of Episode III, chaos' consciousness resides within the dilapidated remains of Kos-Mos and is floating in space; considering that he has lived at least 7000 years already, he doesn't seem to mind that much.
