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Nightmare Fuel / Wolfblood

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  • "Wolfsbane" has a pretty jarring example. Shannon's cold remedy causes Maddy to wolf out uncontrollably, turning her eyes gold and causing her to crave meat. During this, Tom comes upstairs to check if she's okay, while wearing the apron he's been using to cook hamburgers. Hearing Maddy declare "Tom, you smell delicious" in her wolfed-out voice is absolutely bone-chilling. Thankfully, all she does is grab the apron.

  • "Mysterious Developments" shows just how terrifying one wolfblood's presence can be as shown when a wild wolfblood stalks over Shannon, Tom, and Jimi's group striking fear into all of them to the point where they are all frozen in place feeling that their end is near. Luckily Maddy and Rhydian save the day.
