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Nightmare Fuel / War of the Worlds (1988)

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  • The Body Horror of alien possession. The possession sequences usually weren't seen on-screen, but the few glimpses we get show the alien literally merging its body on top of a human.
  • The first-season episode "The Angel of Death" shows the aliens casually discussing their plan while a bound and gagged group of humans are trapped in a cage. The scene ends as the aliens walk over to the cage to take over several victims (including the father of a family) as they try to hop away pitifully. Later, we see the possessed father (among others) preparing to attack the team, with the rest of the family never seen again.
    • Groups of human prisoners are seen a few times caged in the alien headquarters to serve either as body-snatcher fodder or for vivisection. At one point an alien grumbles that their test subjects keep spoiling due to the high radiation environment of their cave.
  • The cloning process Ironhorse (and others) go through in the second season. Ironhorse gets it particularly bad - kidnapped, stuck into a cloning chamber in a dark warehouse, and forced to watch as a duplicate of himself rises out and mocks him before going off to destroy the Blackwood residence.
