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Nightmare Fuel / Vacation

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  • The moment where Rusty hits one of the steers. While he hit one off-screen, it cuts to him being hosed off as he's revealed to be covered in blood and guts.
  • When Rusty and Debbie go into the bathroom to have sex in the shower, they find a splatter of blood on the shower wall.
    Rusty: It looks like somebody blew their head off in there. So, should we get in or... no, right?
  • Just that scene where Chad the kayak guide committing suicide on the Grand Canyon rapids, even with the Griswalds onboard. When the group notices the waterfall ahead, they bail out while Chad's still on the raft. He then plummets down. All because his fiancée broke up with him.
    • Shown in the end credits, he survived his death, but comes face-to-face with a grizzly bear.
  • The subversion of the Girl in the Ferrari scene... with the woman getting obliterated by an oncoming semi.
  • Among the sadistic "pranks" Kevin pulls on James, the former puts a plastic bag over the latter's head. By attempting to suffocate his brother just for shits and giggles, it practically makes Kevin a serial killer in training.
