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Nightmare Fuel / VHS

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"I like you."
As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.
  • Tape 56, the framing segment. On repeat viewings, one notices that the room is different after every segment:
    • After Amateur Night, Brad, the person who watches the tape, disappears, while the criminals in the basement discover what appears to be a naked man shuffling around in the basement.
    • After Second Honeymoon, the old man's corpse disappears.
    • After Tuesday the 17th, the old man's corpse returns, but Rox, the person who watched the previous two tapes, is gone.
    • After The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger, Zack and the old man's corpse are gone. The remaining criminal, Gary, searches the house, but ends up finding Zack's decapitated remains. He is suddenly ambushed by the old man, who is now undead. He falls down the stairs and twists his ankle, allowing for the zombie to easily kill him.
    • And just before the wraparound ends, the camera returns to the TV room, where the tape that contains 10/31/98 is heard starting by itself.
  • Amateur Night. Everything about Lily. Even before she starts killing the other characters, there's just something off about her. The way she appears in the background during the bar scenes also adds to the creepiness.
    • Before she begins killing, Clint undresses Lily to discover that she has distinctly inhuman feet, hinting at her true nature.
    • Her One-Winged Angel form as she corners Clint in the stairwell (see above).
    • Clint, running through the parking lot, screaming for help, before suddenly being snatched into the air by Lily, who, by this point, has fully transformed.
    • As of Siren, we now know that... whatever Lily is, she "mates for life".
  • Second Honeymoon. Someone films Sam and Stephanie while they're sleeping, and even pulls out a switchblade and runs it over Stephanie's leg. It's insanely creepy.
    • In the end, that person, revealed to be Stephanie's girlfriend, stab Sam in the throat. They kiss each other while they clean up his blood.
    • Something that most viewers don't notice; the segment ends with them erasing the footage... the footage that you just watched.
  • Tuesday the 17th. Wendy is running away from the Glitch, who she's just failed to kill, only for that Glitch to jump from a tree and land on her.
    • We then get a lingering shot of Wendy's disemboweled body before it glitches out and presumably disappears.
    • Early on, there's a quick shot of Wendy's friend's body slumped against a wall with a scream on its face. Later another body is seen floating facedown in the lake. It's implied that the bodies are only visible through the camera.
  • The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger. Despite being the only segment in which no one actually dies, there is still a hefty dose of horror to be had.
    • The ghostly children supposedly haunting Emily's apartment, especially since they can be seen shrouded in the darkness whenever they're onscreen.
    • It may border more on Squick, but the moment where Emily digs into the bump on her arm with a scalpel and a meat fork to find out what it is. Especially how nonchalantly she's acting while doing it.
    • The climax reveals that the strange children aren't ghosts, but aliens who have been using Emily as an incubator for the fetuses of alien/human hybrids nearly all her life. James has been in league with them and is implied to have been removing said fetuses from her body and subsequently helping the aliens erase her memory for some time, and is implied to be doing the same thing to at least one other woman with a bump in her arm who believes that he is her boyfriend.
      • Rewatching the segment reveals a good amount of Fridge Horror. It's mentioned that the doctor that James (himself an aspiring doctor whose father was previously transferred to a military base) recommended Emily see for her injuries diagnosed her as schizoaffective. The director's commentary states that Emily grew up near a military base as well, where she suffered an accident she doesn't remember. This implies that this alien incubation project is produced in conjunction with the US Government. And what's worse, the conspiracy shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
  • 10/31/98. The house where the guys believe the Halloween party they're attending is being hosted looks creepy even before the ghostly activity starts up, seeing how stark and desolate it appears to be.
    • The scene where the guys stumble upon the exorcism in the attic. When one of the men performing the ceremony smacks the possessed girl across the face, he and his followers are slowly pulled into the darkness by an unseen force.
    • When the guys work to rescue the girl, the house itself comes alive with supernatural activity. Black birds appear out of nowhere, furniture levitates, a window is suddenly removed from existence, ghostly arms reach out of the walls, etc.
      • What's even more sinister is that the girl they rescued "thanks" them by trapping them in their car as it's about to be hit by a train, before walking off to do God knows what to the world.
