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Nightmare Fuel / Underwater

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  • Imagine the situation the characters are in. Not only they have to survive a collapsing base with the intense pressure of the deep slowly going to crush them to death but they also have to tend to hundreds of deep-sea monsters.
  • The first good look we get of the creatures. We see them a few times in the movie (the shadow of one slipping into the water behind Paul before his death, the silhouette of them as the station above explodes), but as the crew is doing their underwater walk in almost complete silence, Norah sees sand disturbed in a semi-circular path around her. Even as she turns around trying to see what made the path(with the poor peripherals of the helmet adding to the suspense), we can see the barest reflection of light in the creatures eyes and see it strafing about her on the edge of the spotlight as she rotates, but because Norah has not yet seen it, there is nothing we can do before she finally turns about and focuses on it and it swims at the crew.
  • The death of Rodrigo is one of the most brutal moments in the movie. And its cause was not a fishman or the collapsing base, it was simply a flawed helmet that cracked due to the deep's pressure. He starts screaming and implodes, spraying fragments of himself on the rest of the crew.
  • The Reveal that Roebuck Station is surrounded by the creatures. And the protagonists then have to walk quietly past them. Then Emily's low oxygen alarm goes off...
  • Tian is going to continue drilling.
