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Nightmare Fuel / The Wailing

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  • The disease that has fallen upon the town is this. Those who are afflicted with it turn into bloodthirsty savages, while the physical toll it takes on their bodies is tremendous, complete with their skin falling off.
  • The hunter's dream about the Japanese man eating a deer. The moment when the Japanese man spots him and lumbers toward him with red eyes will stay with long after the movie ends.
  • The inside of the stranger's house. While all the mysterious ritualistic objects are creepy enough, the room full of hundreds of photos of people who would later contract the disease is pure Paranoia Fuel.
  • The scene where Jong-goo enlists several men to murder the Japanese man. While they are searching for him, the stranger sends a diseased man to kill them, and the disease appears to have rendered him all but indestructible. At one point he gets stabbed in the head with a rake, and yet he still won't die.
  • Pretty much the entire climax of the movie, if only for how Mind Screw-y it is. Is the Japanese man the one behind all this? Or is it the Woman in White? As we soon find out, the Japanese man is indeed a demon, and the shaman's been helping him all along.
  • Hyo-jin killing her entire family in a gory fashion. She makes sure to make an exception for Jong-goo, who she simply leaves to bleed out.
  • The Japanese man revealing his true form to the deacon.
