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Nightmare Fuel / The Swan Princess

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This film series really has some scary moments.

Moment Subpages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.
The Swan Princess
Only if you defeat.....ME!
  • The Great Animal.
  • Derek hunting Odette in her swan form when he mistakes her for the Great Animal.
  • The reveal of Bridget being the fake Odette, even if it was seen earlier.
    • Despite Derek sensing something is off about "Odette" in this scene, he goes through with the plan as the real Odette (in swan form) tries to warn him before it's too late. She fails and after Rothbart reveals the ruse, he says "You should've left her to me. Now...Odette will die..." Derek looks outside in horror and sees his beloved fly away. He follows her back to Swan Lake and Odette is barely able to land on solid ground (her wingtips even graze the surface of the lake). She's so weak that she dies afterwards. If she had fallen into the lake...
  • After Rothbart curses Odette and reveals his evil plan to convince her to marry him and take over her kingdom, Odette refuses and tries to flee. Rothbart tells her "Where are you going? As soon as the moonlight leaves the lake, you turn back into a swan. No matter where you are." Odette's resulting Oh, Crap! face and subsequent breakdown breaks it down for you; she's lost her father, without any friends (assuming of course that this is before she officially meets Jean-Bob and Speed), far from home and can't leave her own prison because she'll turn back into a swan during the day. Say what you will about that, but it's a horrifying thought.
Escape From Castle Mountain
  • Derek nearly sinking in quicksand and Knuckles sadistically ignoring his pleas as he watches him submerge. Thankfully, Odette in swan form arrives and rescues Derek just in time.
  • The river of lava below said lair, where Knuckles meets his unfortunate end later.
  • The destruction of Clavius' lair in a massive eruption. Derek and company escape, but Clavius does not.
The Mystery of the Enchanted Kingdom
  • Zelda is probably the most insane antagonist ever.
    • She possesses homing fireballs that will not stop chasing the victim no matter how fast or far they run.
    • She imprisons Swan-Odette (and Jean-Bob) in a green fire-like barrier that will disintegrate anything it touches.
    Zelda: I wouldn't try that. (she tosses a rock at the green barrier. It vaporizes upon contact; Zelda cackles) The same thing'll happen to you if you try to escape. (leaves)
    Jean-Bob: Anyone for barbecued frog legs?
The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale
  • The Big Bad of this film, The Forbidden Arts, may be the darkest villain yet. Unlike the past villains, this thing is an Eldritch Abomination that was introduced effortlessly destroying his opposition and was perfectly willing to spread destruction across the Earth.
