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Nightmare Fuel / The Pink Panther Strikes Again

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  • Dreyfus' insanity going from merely trying to kill Clouseau, to threatening to wipe out entire countries.
    Dreyfus: Within five minutes, I shall destroy England! ENGLAND! Ha ha! No more cricket! No more warm beer, Professor! No more fish and chips!
  • Despite Clouseau's innate ability to evade all the assassins at Oktoberfest, having more than a dozen people trying to kill you is unnerving.
  • The Doomsday Machine has an extremely creepy design, on top of being in the creepy castle.
  • Dreyfus' fate. Clouseau is catapulted onto the Doomsday Machine, knocking it out of position and causing it to overload. It zaps Dreyfus' legs, yet he is still able to move normally while he begs someone to help him. Then we see him slowly disintegrate as he plays "Tip-Toe Through the Tulips" on the organ, with the last thing we see being his twitching eye. After that, the castle glows pink and disappears.
    Dreyfus: Do something!
    Professor Fassbender: You brought it on yourself! It's too late!
