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Nightmare Fuel / The Ouroboros Project

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  • Reinheld's death is still unsolved by the students.
    • It is the only death that hasn't been solved in Ouroboros, nor is there a hint to whom the real culprit is.
  • Throughout the laboratory setting, there are people that are completely unrelated to the Ouroboros Project.
    • Their faces are completely blurred out, and their voices are distorted to the point where it cannot be understood.
  • There are a large amount of cameras all over the settings.
    • Caduceus is the group that uses those cameras to check on the students, basically watching their every move.
  • The students within Ouroboros are prone to violence as the game progresses- which isn't so strange- given the circumstances.
    • Kikuchi repeatibly beat up the corpse of Hagane with Valentina- the cuestick.
    • Two students went over to Shun and burned & sliced at his eyes, blinding him. And they made him watch during the process as well.
    • They're stuck with a dramatically homicidal snake in this game. Which was operated by itself before it shut down.
  • The motives get worse as the game progresses.
    • Two people were killed as victims on the Russian Roulette motive, and two innocent people were executed in the actual culprits' places.
      • This allowed an unknown killer to be free- the other culprit being revealed soon after.
    • The item motive caused two people to die, one by the other's hand, and a suicide.
      • One being a victim, the other- the culprit who had committed suicide after the body of the victim was found.
    • The nightmare motive had only lasted for one or two days IC before someone killed someone else.
