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Nightmare Fuel / The Neon Demon

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  • Sarah's freakout in the women's room, culminating when she tries to suck on blood from a wound Jesse got on her hand from the glass from the mirror Sarah broke.
  • Ruby's necrophilia scene.
  • Sarah and Gigi showering off Jesse's blood while a blood-covered Ruby looks on ominously.
  • Gigi vomiting up Jesse's eyeball and proceeding to disembowel herself with a pair of scissors. Continued when an unaffected Sarah retrieves the eyeball and eats it.
    • Also, the fact that she was retching to the point of being in sweat and tears.
  • A small detail in the audition scene: the room is extremely bright and everyone has appropriately small pupils. Except Jessie. Hers are fully dilated.
