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Nightmare Fuel / The Midnight Library

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Obscure as this series is, it still has plenty of horrifying moments and bone-chilling stories.

  • The ending of "Blood And Sand". The kids find out the so-called Sandman isn't such a madman after all, and that he wants make his next sculpture in their honor. The next part switches to the kids on the beach, but encased in sand, unable to move or scream while the Sandman talks to their parents. Turns out he's worse than they suspected.
  • "An Apple A Day", holy hell. Tim Barnett gets fed up with his nasty neighbor Bill Cole picking on people for going near his orchard. Tim steals an apple from the old man, and soon finds his body is going through a slow, grotesque transformation, with loving details of his eyes turning red like apples, leaves growing under his skin, and his belly button gorging up an apple. He returns to the orchard and realizes the apple trees have faces, each frozen in horror, the many poor souls who ate the apples. One of them is his grandfather. Tim than fully morphs into a tree, and the last thing he sees is the evil Bill Cole smiling at the new member of his orchard.
  • "I Can See You", which details a flashlight game of hide and seek after dark based on the death of an unhinged farmer who burned to ash. Midway through the game, players start to disappear, leaving only piles of ash. Eventually it gets widdled down to one boy, who comes face to face with the charred, scowling visage of the ghostly farmer Axby. Axby blows out his lantern and finishes the game.
    "I can see you, Michael Lewis."
  • "Picture Perfect" has an ages old mural detailing various time periods, each part with a frightened child looking out of the frame. Brandon and Jake discover the mural behind the wallpaper and decide to uncover the rest. Brandon becomes obsessed with the mystery and is pulled through the final frame by the image of his missing aunt, likely maddened by years of imprisonment, and discovers anyone who looks on the full mural becomes one with the art forever! Jake then decides to reseal the mural, unaware of his brother's fate, while Brandon ''screams'' in hysterical terror from his canvas prison.
  • "Dream Demon". Just the idea of being pursued through your dreams by something that will never stop until his rope is around your throat. The protagonist Alfie tries to outwit the ghost. He fails. For bonus horror, the ghost had already killed his uncle years earlier, who was no older than 10.
