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Nightmare Fuel / The Legend of Xiao Chuo

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  • When Yan Yan's horse bolts she's left clinging to it and unable to stop it as it drags her into danger. At one point she has to bend so far backwards she almost falls off to avoid hitting an obstacle.
  • A servant approaches Yelü Jing when he isn't expecting it. He reacts by stabbing the servant to death. Yanchege reacts with mild exasperation at most, implying this has happened before.
  • Yelü Jing forces Xian to drink medicine right after implying he thinks Xian is plotting against him. Xian is clearly worried that Yelü Jing might have poisoned the medicine, but he has no choice but to drink it.
  • Yelü Jing throws a knife at Zhi Mo's face. It hits him and blinds him in one eye.
  • Han Derang and Xian Yanyan try to elope in the face of Yelü Xian using his power as emperor to issue an eddict for Yanyan to marry him instead. Yanyan's loving and indulgent father catches them, forcibly separates them and has Yanyan dragged away to marry Xian. The anguish on the lover's faces is horrifying and Derang is injured and bleeding. If Xiao Siwen had been a more typical patriarchial father he might have just killed Derang for attempting to elope with his daughter.
  • The scene in episode twenty-seven where Yan Yan walks up a staircase, unaware that it's been rigged to collapse under her weight. De Rang shouts a warning just in time to stop her, but her servants aren't so lucky and one of them falls through.
