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Nightmare Fuel / The Knight Shift

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The Knight Shift is seen by many as the scariest series in The Arkn Mythos — and with good reason.

[1] The Knight

  • As the boys pull over to the side of the road, Knight exclaims "SHI-" before the camera cuts out. We never see what happens next. When filming resumes, Knight has an injured leg and can barely walk; while his friend "Ed" claims they had an accident after hitting an animal in the road, the circumstances suggest that that's probably not quite true...
    • Ed claims that they encountered an animal in the road and couldn't stop in time...except the car had already stopped and in park at the moment the camera cut out. (And despite this, Knight later repeats the explanation as if it were true.) What on earth did they do to him during those intervening 30 seconds?
  • Then there's the House itself. Right off the bat, you get the feeling that something's not quite right; a nice house full of antiques should not be sitting empty in the middle of the night with the front door unlocked.
  • At one point, Knight tries a wooden door; as soon as he goes through, the door seals behind him. While his friends struggle to open it, one of them gets thrown backwards and onto his back by an invisible force. When they finally do get the door open, Knight is standing there, motionless; as they talk to him, asking if he's okay, he doesn't say a word.
