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Nightmare Fuel / The Hunchback of Notre Dame II

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As controversial as the sequel to the movie is, it does have scary moments.

  • At face value, Sarousch comes off as a flamboyant, unthreatening Narcissist, but as the film goes on, he's gradually revealed to be a cruel, manipulative sociopath.
    • While it may seem mundane compared to Frollo's initial treatment of Quasimodo from the first film, the emotional abuse and gaslighting that Sarousch puts Madellaine through reeks of Realism-Induced Horror.
    • After falling for Quasimodo, Madellaine decides to not go through with stealing the bell and refuses to help Sarousch any further. Sarousch remains completely calm as he points out how an "accident" could easily befall Quasimodo should he get in the way of the bell's theft.
  • Though not as epic in scope as the first film, the sequel's climax revolves around the ultimate worries for Phoebus and Esmerelda: Sarousch holding Zephyr hostage to ensure his escape.
    • Zephyr sounds legitimately terrified when he calls out to his parents, who can do nothing to help him and are both beside themselves with worry.
    • Madellaine tells Quasimodo that she knows Sarousch has no issue harming children. This is scary enough with Zephyr's current situation, but it's utterly terrifying when you realise she's speaking from experience.
