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Nightmare Fuel / The House of the Dead: OVERKILL

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Isaac: Move aside, diaper-shit! Let a man handle this...MOTHERFUCK!!
Despite being a humorous prequel, you have to remember that at its core, it's still a game full of brain-eating zom—er, mutants.
  • Almost every single one of the mutants are this in the series, especially in Overkill, as they're the byproduct of the zombie serum having a weird reaction to them. The two strippers are some of the worst, as you know just hours before they were hot, but normal, girls. Now one is an obese monstrosity while the other is a gollum-like imp creature.
  • Meat Katie, a mutated butcher who has transformed into a minotaur (with a steer skull for a face!) wielding a giant knife. Even more disturbing than the creature is her death, falling head first into her own meat grinder.
  • The Crawler, a giant, mantis-like mutant fought on top of a train. During the fight, it will hop off the train into the forest on either side. You'll look around, only to find it right next to you, ready to attack.
  • In the final chapter, not only is Varla's brain swapped out for that of Clement's mother, it's plainly visible from the back; not only is a good chunk of her scalp missing, so is part of her cranium! And Clement's mother is shown to have been just as depraved and complicit with the plan as her son was considering she taunts them with the fact that Varla is aware inside the jar.
    Clement's mother in Varla: She's alive too. What's left of her.
  • The Screamer. The battle's tense as all hell as she teleports and stalks you all around the arena; you're pumping bullets into her as she slowly shambles toward you, warping erratically from side-to-side, knowing that if you can't deplete that blue bar in time she will smash the fourth wall to pieces, shove her twisted face though the screen and take a chunk out of your health. Oh, and for those unaware, Overkill is compatible with 3D televisions, probably for just such a battle.
  • The Game Over screen. Instead of having a timer countdown before the characters fell on the ground, this one asks you to choose between "YES" and "NO" in the static screen, accompanied with the Evil Laugh.
