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Nightmare Fuel / The Girl Who Cried Monster

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  • The Girl Who Cried Monster is one of the most well-remembered books of the Goosebumps series, and for good reason. It seems to be your average Crying Wolf plot where a girl, Lucy Dark, sees a local librarian, Mr. Mortman, becoming a bug-eating monster after the library closes. Nothing really out of the ordinary until the twist ending, where Lucy's parents invite Mr. Mortman over for dinner. And by that, we mean it literally. Lucy's parents invite Mr. Mortman to be their dinner, because, as it turns out, the entire Dark family is comprised of monsters. And they seem to be quite efficient at devouring other living beings. Lucy and her little brother Randy have yet to grow their fangs, though. Yeesh... And as a Fridge Horror, Randy is so afraid of all the made-up monsters Lucy tells him about; imagine how he must feel finding out that he, as well as his family members, are the genuine article!
