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Nightmare Fuel / The Elder Scrolls: Arena

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Still think spiders aren't scary?!

  • The ghouls... they appear as early as the first dungeon, and they don't look scary (they look like generic trolls), but they have low drawling moans that would put the scariest zombie movies to shame.
  • Medusas, Vampires, and Liches make horrifying sounds AND they're the strongest enemies in the game.
  • If you're a low level player, and you get the "Troll is regenerating" message on your screen, you better run like hell.
  • If a spider paralyzes you while in the water, you will get a unique message describing your agonizing death of helpless drowning. And since you can't use potions or magic while in the water, a single spider can instantly kill you at any level if you're unlucky.
  • Not only do monsters roam the cities every night, causing everyone to hide in their homes; but if you break into these homes, they are found to be crawling with monsters while the NPCs inside them seem to simply ignore the random monsters constantly regenerating in their homes. In other words, aside from the Inns, nowhere is safe.
