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Nightmare Fuel / The Debt (1999)

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  • The entire story. If the sheer idea of being put in Adam and Stefan's boots doesn't scare you, nothing will.
  • Gerard and his men raiding the apartment of Matczak, a shop owner that owes Adam and Stefan some money which Gerard now wants him to give up in order to cover the two men's "debt". Not only does it serve as a Establishing Character Moment of sorts since up until that point the worst we saw Gerard do was punching Adam in the neck but it's just terrifying in its own right: Gerard actually grabs the Matczaks' infant baby and waves it outside a window threatening to let go should Matczak refuse to pay as his wife screams in terror.
  • Adam decides to saw off Gerard and Shorty's heads after killing them in order to fool the police into thinking the Russian mafia did that. Just to think what three months of being held in a constant state of terror can do to an average law-abiding citizen...
