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Nightmare Fuel / The Crumpets

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  • Renato entering Ma's tummy hatch in "Croco-Deal" is a nightmarish moment, considering that a crocodile is essentially inside a woman. Fortunately, she gets Renato handled in the end.
  • In "Gambled Gables", Pa becomes mentally impaired from learning the house's overnight transformation by Hurry and Harried into a bustling fast food drive thru and roadway network. His Heroic BSoD is worsened from hearing the swindling of Pfff's song. Immediately, he hits the approaching Triceps and Ma, and Triceps has to take down her father to the ground, all while Pfff's song is playing.
  • In "Booty for Beauty", Granny's body transformations are drastically surprising and creepy. L'il-One discovers her in the house all in a sudden, and there Granny just looks like a wrinkly Ms. McBrisk with the voice and mind kept. It was Cordless' idea to transform Granny to resemble McBrisk, but after his parents discover that the latter is a criminal, they revised the plan and transformed the old lady to a poorly-designed form akin to younger Granny. She's unable to talk, her new blonde hair and dress are stitched and comes off, and her body completely deflates as she finally utters a word.
  • Among all things in "Shake It Up" is the dead/fainted sparrow coated in red paint. A dramatic note plays when Triceps discovers it in Li'l One's room. In the next scene, Li'l One throws the poor bird and scares the heck out of Ms. McBrisk.
  • T-Bone's body getting sliced by a chainsaw in "No Pffuture" isn't deadly, but the insides of his body halves can be seen, albeit not very detailed.
  • Ohoh may not look like a horrible child, but it's realized in "My Family's Full of Losers" that he tries to murder his family in a game show round. Aunt Harried presents him the box containing a machine gun that almost looks too heavy for him to carry and suggests to eliminate the other family members present in the room. At her orders in the dark and after the kids shout his Catchphrase, Ohoh fires the gun at the stand with no unwillingness. Multiple rounds are heard as it just sound like the children are screaming to their deaths, not to mention the white flashes appearing to illuminate blood ejecting out of the victims. Thankfully as it turns, nearly all children escaped to safety on the hanging lights near the ceiling, but only that Pfff is left behind and is injured with holes through his body (and doesn't succumb to them). Of course, this show gave the illusion of a deadly mass shooting and execution towards children.
  • In "Cheep Shot", there are two mass killings of birds. The first one is a flock of yellow sparrows in the greenhouse shot by the Gatling gun in Ma's new defense system, only one injured which escapes to the McBrisk yard. The other occasion is Ms. McBrisk's ironic betrayal of her bird patients as a result of Grownboy's marriage to Steve. She shoots flames at the poor creatures, the flames covering the whole screen.
    • Those sparrows who died from the first onslaught? The Crumpets eat their meat with minimal preparation (besides cooking them in a pot with vegetables and juice). There are feathered carcasses in the family's sparrow stew, and Blister plays with one of them.
    • Then there's the defense system's target identification rounding up the family in the greenhouse, starting with Pa. Just as Steve discovers the stranded Crumpets in the greenhouse, the system identifies him as a flamingo, and its Gatling gun fires and and misses him. After the wedding, the bird that survived the flamethrower attack flies between the Crumpets and the Gatling gun. The episode ends just before the instance the stranded Crumpets are presumably wiped out by one of Ma's flawed inventions, amidst a red sky outside.
  • When Ma discovers a letter as "proof" of her husband's affair with Ms. McBrisk in "Family Secrets", she becomes teary eyed, bursts into rage, and expresses gun firing flashes from her ears and tummy hatch, prior to throwing Pa's suitcase through the window and spawning a security fence to bar him from the house's grounds. And Pa reacts by mumbling, amidst a black and white shredded background.
  • "Addicted": Granny's selling of her son's anti-addiction garden gas to Ms. McBrisk leads to the latter succumbing to the gas because it temporarily cures her allergy zits, and McBrisk chooses to invest more on them instead of her daughter. The Crumpet children's inhalation of their father's gas also makes them addicted to the remedy in spite of wanting to cure their own hobby addictions. Their impatience leads to their destruction of the gas manufacturing machine, and they surround and moan at their parents like zombies. L'il-One signals his siblings of their fellow addicted neighbor's supply of the gas, followed by the kids rushing outside, trespassing her house, and consume McBrisk's supply. The children's dedication to this substance is evident after their final doses there.
  • "Inside Li'l One's Brain": Pa is greeted inside his son's brain with a stylized shadow animation of Li'l One firing a Death Ray at Pa's shadow image. Li'l One's Evil Laugh is lengthy and tremendously menacing.
  • "Insectator": After Pfff's character gets killed by a rabbit warrior in the video game, the rabbit's player is revealed to the viewer as Cassandra, who makes a Maniacal Laugh and displays Blank White Eyes due to her obsession with the game.
  • "Auto-graff": Caprice gets shocked from Pfff and Marylin's revelation that it was she who spray-painted her friends and family the night before. The flashback shows everyone trying to pursuit a sleepwalking, seemingly unemotional Caprice showing Blank White Eyes. At one point, she makes a grin up close.
  • "Le commère-âge": As part of a scheme that she and her friends conduct to lure the mysterious gossipers whose rumors have frightened the Crumpets, Caprice wakes up from fake death when Larry kisses her. Speaking with a very deep voice, she roars and scares him and the twins by acting like a zombie.
  • "Crumperchés": The episode takes a dark turn when, after the last musical number, Marylin's body sprouts electric mushrooms due to his long self-constraint on the ailing tree bearing the same condition. He had been ignoring Pa's recommendation to avoid the tree at all costs. He screams constantly from his electrical shocks as his friends figure how to save him.
