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Nightmare Fuel / The ClueFinders 5th Grade Adventures: The Secret of the Living Volcano

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  • If you walk down towards the plant garden minigame from the Faces within the Face and vice versa, you will be greeted with a sudden scream while the screen is still dark. Many a kid in the computer lab or even home computer were afraid to go down that path.
  • The reading comprehension task - it's actually kind of freaky despite being pretty innocent. Reading the cryptiles shows a bit of desperation from people who're afraid of the island and are trapped there with no way to escape.
  • The Reveal that the aliens eat brains, and that they've captured everyone you've met on the island (and countless other people who sailed near it) to that end. Including Leslie's grandfather, which you see in a Jump Scare with a Scare Chord no less.
  • Furthermore, where you try to access the map inside the ship, LapTrap says, "Sorry! But we are now, trapped, inside!" And the fact that the map screen is just completely black with a red question mark.
