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Nightmare Fuel / The Cloverfield Paradox

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  • The space station turning into a Eldritch Location as it starts killing the crew. What makes it even scarier? We never find out why.
    • Volkov's death in particular is probably the most disturbing out of all of them. After dying the space station's colony of worms bursts out of him and while dissecting his body they find the station's gyroscope inside him. Why were they inside him in the first place? We ultimately never find out beyond it being a fourth dimensional rupture.
      • Speaking of Vokov, the sheer amount of Body Horror he goes through (the example displayed in the page image is the least bad thing to happen to him) really makes you feel for the poor guy.
  • The crew finding Jensen inside one of the walls, fused to the wiring and pipes within said wall, and screaming in agony.
  • Mundy's arm being swallowed by the wall of the space station, then gaining sentience. What happened to the Mundy of the Alternate Universe?
    • Later there is Mundy's death. He gets swarmed and strangled by nanobots due to an electromagnet being on before dying in an explosion caused by a CO2 canister.
      • Even after his death Mundy's arm is still shown being sentient and alive.
  • Tam being Flash Frozen instantly as a result of flooding and water leaking into outer-space.
  • Mina getting ejected into outer-space, suffering explosive decompression. Thankfully, the viewers don't see it.
  • On a psychological level, Schmidt finding out that his Alternate Universe counterpart betrayed his friends and crewmembers. The collision of universes caused the counterpart's communication files to overwrite his own, convincing the rest of the crew to turn against him all while he has no idea what's going on. Even after his name is cleared, he still appears unsettled by the whole thing.
    • And presumably Jensen still doesn't trust him.
  • The ending. As Ava and Schmidt descend into the Earth's atmosphere and pass the clouds, we see Clover in all its glory suddenly burst out of nowhere with its roar.
    • And what's worse? The monster is far, far bigger than Clover ever was, even reaching above the cloud layer.
