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Nightmare Fuel / The Anglo/American – Nazi War

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In a world where the Nazis remain in power for many years longer, of course there's bound to be some horrifying concepts on display.

  • The story pulls zero punches depicting the full extent and consequences of the Nazis' genocidal destruction and murder of Eastern Europe and of almost all Jews, Roma, and other "undesirables". The worst part is that all of it is what the Nazis wanted to do, planned to do, and partially carried out in real life. By the end of the war, the estimated number of surviving European Jews is in the low thousands.
    • The so-called "Banzai Bunnies" - Hitler Youth suicide bombers as young as twelve, gleefully diving at Allied soldiers to blow them sky high.
    • They leave dolls and other toys contaminated with smallpox lying around roads in their areas of control.
    • Speaking of smallpox, the Nazis conduct a series of attacks that provide a good look into the utterly brutal Nazi psyche. The Allies don't understand why they would bother doing something like that-bombing them with lethal yet treatable diseases-and initially don't even consider it an act by the Nazis. It isn't until after the war that it becomes clear: the Nazis fully expected the Allied grounds troops to be devastated. They concluded that the non-white troops wouldn't have been vaccinated. They only saw them, their own "pan-European" forces, and even the people in their own occupied territories as nothing more than disposable slaves, and concluded the same would hold true for the Allies.
    • Himmler's order to annihilate the cultural heritage of western Europe just to spite the Allies. In-universe, several on the Allied side are left utterly baffled at the kind of lunacy that goes into dedicating thousands of men and tonnes of material to what amounts to essentially glorified vandalism. Really, the Nazis in their Villainous Breakdown are a nightmarish representation of humanity's savage and senseless impulses run wild.
      • Their destruction of Paris and Orleans is completely absolute, not only reducing everything to gravel, but filling the ruins with toxins and explosives just to ensure nothing can be rebuilt.
  • The British campaign to drop Anthrax across Nazi territory. Hundreds of thousands of Berliners alone die, and even wildlife and cattle start dropping dead. It's so effective that Berlin and Nuremberg are rendered uninhabitable for centuries.
    • When Berliners realize what is happening, they try to flee, only for the Berlin police to effectively trap them in the city. This leads them to riot violently, only to be murdered by the police.
  • In our world, World War II lasted six years and ended with around 40-50 million deaths. ITTL, it lasts over two decades and ends with 190 million dead, over 80% of them civilians.
  • Even after the war, the world is not without its tyrants. Under the command and control of the A4, they're making absolute certain that World War III never happens. Even if that means destroying the entire city of Stettin with an orbital bombardment, killing 275,000 people, because of an insurgency movement within its borders. He Who Fights Monsters indeed.
  • The "Cabal" which won the Chinese Civil War is following a rabidly pro-natalist policy that has resulted in China's population exceeding two billion: their plan for these people is that they will have the entire planet to recolonize, once the Cabal's secret biological weapon exterminates all non-Chinese.
