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Nightmare Fuel / Starbound

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  • The description for the Synthesizer set's leg armor reveals that one kick from a Floran Synthesizer can SHATTER BONE. Yeah.
  • Dear god, The Oogler. Jumpscare from extra-strength creepy staring monster with a Slasher Smile right out of nowhere. What makes it worse is that they can be found underground in bone caves, so you might be digging down, fall into a pitch-black cave and then be charged by one that you didn't even know was there.
  • The Erchius Mining Facility distress mission. Let's see... it's dark and too quiet at first, there's a rather urgent/scary music going on, and then there are squicky flesh aliens that ambush you and attack by splattering their flesh at you. Near the end of the level, you see miners in the middle of mutating into them, and when you get to the boss, it turns out that it's an Eldritch Abomination crystal that draws in the miners and mutates them into the things you fight.
  • The goddamn tentacled beast. Gigantic, mutated monstrosity capable of tearing planets apart from the inside out if it gets too big? Check. Has infected many many planets and has tentacles that can be chopped down and used as building material? Check. What the fuck is this thing and why do the Florans know how to create it.
  • The intro level for version 1.0. Remember how Earth was destroyed in the backstory of the game? You get to live through that. You barely escape on a ship just as the Ruin consumes Earth.
  • 1.0 has turned the process of mining for fuel in planets from one of the most boring aspects of the game into one of the most flat-out terrifying, especially on Survival or Hardcore. The second some solid or liquid fuel hits your inventory, it gets the attention of the Erichus Ghost, who will spawn somewhere on the planet and begin to hound you. It gets faster and faster the more ore and liquid you get. But the biggest problem about it is that it is literally indestructible and has a very literal "Instant Death" Radius - It gives off a highly damaging circular aura with you taking exponentially more damage the closer you are to it. with zero change in the ambient droning that the moons call music. The fact that it is heavily implied to have some connection to the Erichus Horror from the Mining Facility mission makes it even worse.
  • The mere fact that the sole reason the universe is in danger of being completely destroyed is solely because of one woman's hatred and inability to let go of the past is pretty damn sobering. The fact that she actually gets away in the end after the Ruin's death, possibly to continue her plans, does not help matters. The Bounty Hunter update does rectify that part though.
  • In the Great Sovereign Temple mission, there's a hidden room you can access by stepping on some switches. In the room, there is a sarcophagus that is different from the others in the room - you can interact with it. Scanning it reveals that it is moving. To make things worse, interacting with it causes terrified sobs to come from the inside.
  • In human prisons you can find several creepy messages written on the walls, such as "they said they would come back" and "get out while you still can". It's never revealed exactly what happened in these prisons, either. All in all, it's reminiscent of the notes from Slender.
    • You can also find the words "Get Out" written in blood, which is bad enough by itself. But if your PC is a Glitch they will comment that the blood used wasn't from a human, but from a Hylotl. What happened in a human prison for there to be Hylotl blood on the wall?
  • Hive Biomes are creepy enough on their own, being dark and full of maggots, but the worst part is the Orbides. One of the glowing pods that seems to just be a background object will suddenly stand up, whip out a blade and rush at you. Even the in-game description says that they make you feel uncomfortable.
