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Nightmare Fuel / Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

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  • When Hugo Lacerda's men torture Bruce Morgenholt, you can hear screaming and electrical crackling. What's arguably worse is the way his torturers describe what they were doing and how long they were doing it.
    He hasn't been able to talk for an hour. His tongue is a lump of coal!
    • Worse is if you wait and listen to the entire thing; Morgenholt will eventually stop pleading for his life and they'll continue to shock him even after he has expired. His torturer is especially unapologetic for it.
  • Towards the end, you have to disable a total of three very hard to find bombs while Shetland sends Elite Mooks with to hunt you down. This wouldn't be so bad but you have a very limited amount of time to find the bombs and those guards are far more perceptive than average mooks. While you're in the act of disarming the bombs Shetland will seemingly come out of nowhere and try to turn you to his side, citing your shared experiences and previous friendship. The scary thing is, he seems to know exactly where you are. And unlike his Elite Mooks, he isn't wearing night vision goggles.
  • While Private Military Contractors are a lot often made evil in fiction, the game does a very good job of making you question if Shetland is in on the conspiracy right up until the very last moment. How does he reveal himself to be a bad guy? When he kills a 'loose thread' whom he is lulling into a sense of false security with a katana. Sam sees all this happen via their larger-than-life shadows projected on the paper wall of a traditional Japanese home. It adds a sense of surrealism to the horrifying scene, since it makes it look like some sort of shadow puppet play. It's also totally unexpected, even if you've come to the conclusion that Shetland's a bad guy.
