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Nightmare Fuel / Songdrops

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''Tarantulas, tarantulas, everybody loves tarantulas. If there's just fuzz where your hamster was, it's probably because of tarantulas"
Songdrops is mostly fun and games, but not all. For example....
  • The Tarantula song. It implies that tarantulas may eat your hamster note  and that they could be anywhere.
  • "Cocoa the Cute Little Coo Coo Calico Kitten", as the name suggests, mostly averts this, but there is one line. "She looked like a cat that I had once." What happened to the cat?
  • The fact that the pnuemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was mentioned in the Long Word Song is a bit creepy.
  • "The Wheels on the Bus are Falling Off". It is in the style of the Wheels on the Bus and sang in a high voice, but scary things are going on at the bus: the wheels are falling off, the brakes are going out, the engine is burning, there are mad snakes and hungry zombies, the children are screaming, and nobody knows where the first aid kit is.
  • The Not Exactly Nursery Rhyme song has Humpty Dumpty get eaten.
  • "Octo the Octopo" is mainly about an octopus named Octo from Morrocco and all the words were adjusted to end in "O" for example "Octo the octopo was driving down the road-o in a purple turbo, he had one arm-o on the steering wheel-o; he had seven arm-o's left." This goes on until he uses up all his tentacles, and that's when things get dark. His car crashes. Yes, he probably survives, but he's said to "have no arm-o's left", which is a bit creepy for a kids' song.
