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Nightmare Fuel / Skin Game

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  • One of the single most disturbing scenes in the entire series: Harry is cornered in the bank vault by Tessa and subjected to a swarm of flesh-eating insects while simultaneously undergoing Mind Rape. Mother of God.
  • In an early scene, after Harry mocks Nicodemus for leaving the tongue in one of his guards, he has Deirdre rip it out with her teeth, swallow it whole, and then she kisses ol' Nick.
  • Knowing everything Deirdre has done, thinking about what Hades is going to whip up for her personal Eternal Punishment.
    • And as Fridge Horror notes, the fact that whatever befalls her may actually be a STEP DOWN from whatever Nicodemus may have actually been trying to 'save' her from.
  • Maggie's comment about her and Mouse "slayerizing" a monster. Haha, that's so cut— wait, what? What kind of monster can get past the Carpenters' threshold and angel brigade to lurk under beds?! Assuming it wasn't all just a game of pretend...
    • Either way, that monster didn't get past Mouse, who is implied to be angelic himself.
    • Probably something similar to the boogeyman from "AAAA Wizardry", which wasn't actually that powerful but could sneak past threshholds and hide from adults.
    • We get more background on this class of monsters from "Zoo Day": They exist to be a rite of passage for kids and thus angels and angelic beings aren't allowed to stop them. And not only can adults not perceive them, they forget they exist when they grow up.
  • Some of the implications that Michael makes during his speech to Nicodemus, like that Nicodemus might not have been as in control of himself as he thought over the last several centuries, are chilling to say the least.
  • Harry Dresden, Wizard, Winter Knight and Warden of Demonreach now has two daughters to protect. That should be giving monsters nightmares.
  • The Genowska, full stop. He hits every beat of Evil Counterpart (to River Shoulders in this case), and reminds us exactly why the trope exists, and it's terrifying.
