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Nightmare Fuel / Search

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  • The opening scene is unnerving to say the least. Cracks randomly appearing on the lenses of the gas mask, the driver convulsing as if he's having a fit, the way his eyes seem to turn red... Then he kicks the car door with enough force to send it flying off, something a normal human shouldn't be capable of doing.
  • Corporal Oh sees Private Gwon sitting down and apparently asleep. So he shakes him to wake him up. Gwon's head falls back, revealing his throat's been cut and blood is still pouring from the wound.
  • Dong-jin and Mac get separated from the rest of the search party. As they wander around the DMZ Dong-jin sees a North Korean slogan. Horrified, he realises they're so badly lost they've ended up in North Korea.
    • A group of North Korean soldiers find Dong-jin. They're about to shoot him when something grabs one of them and drags him up into the trees. Seconds later his arm lands on the ground.
  • Baek-jun hears noises in the room behind him. He assumes it's one of his friends and tells them not to rearrange the sleeping bags. Then he turns round and sees the murderer attacking Bok-nak. He runs for a weapon. When he gets back Bok-nak is unconscious and the murderer is nowhere to be seen. Then the murderer lunges at him and throws him right across the room.
