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Nightmare Fuel / Scrooge (1951)

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  • The wandering spirits are horrifying. Outside Scrooge's window, seen as from an even greater distance, they fill the night air, flailing their arms in time to a wailing, howling lament.
  • As seen in Christmas Past's tenure, Marley' death scene. To a solemn orchestral jolt, Scrooge, from the bottom of the stairs, sees the undertaker. Scrooge then visits Marley's bedside, to find him barely able to speak.
    Marley: ...While... there's still time...
    Scrooge: Time... time for what?
    Marley: We... we were wrong...
    Scrooge: Wrong? Well, we can't be right all the time. Nobody's perfect. We've been no worse than the next man. Or better, if it comes to that. You mustn't reproach yourself, Jacob.
    Marley: ...We were wrong... Save.. yourself...
    Scrooge: Save myself? Save myself from what?
    • Marley's eyes then fall closed. Scrooge lift's Marley's hand - which falls limp.
  • After the Spirit of Christmas Present leaves, Scrooge runs towards the camera and stops cold when the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come's hand appears in the foreground, blurred to the audience with nothing else of it visible.
  • The toys that Tiny Tim looks at in the shop window are absolutely horrifying, especially the smiling doll that seems to laugh at Tim after the toy boat he longed for is sold. (It seems to cheer Tim up, though. These toys are period appropriate, and on the whole Victorian kids would have expected and enjoyed them.)
  • Old Joe's rag shop, where Mrs. Dilber and the other thieves come to sell Scrooge's belongings. It features the Mundane Horror of ragged child laborers sorting and weighing the rags, and one child has a nasty cough that seems likely to be an Incurable Cough of Death.
