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Nightmare Fuel / Scream

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Being a series that purposefully deconstructed and unintentionally reconstructed the horror genre, the Scream franchise has left quite a mark on scary movies.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Individual Pages:


  • The fact that the teenage victims have parents... being a parent while watching this may make you want call your children to see how they're doing. Just in case.
  • Ghostface being merely a costume with a name and legacy attached, they could very well be anyone you know. Or even more than one person.
  • In the TV series, Will is being held near some farm equipment, and when Emma tries to go to him to free him, it sets off the trap, and we get to see Will eviscerated right in front of Emma. With the stabbing of Jake and the death of Will, suspects for the identity of Ghostface are themselves beginning to die or be badly injured...
  • The fact that the Ghostface persona can be passed on from generation to generation. He is not one guy, but multiple people. You kill one person, someone else will take up the mantle. It doesn't help that the world is full of mentally disturbed people and troubled teenagers who worship serial killers. Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers can be killed, but Ghostface can live on for centuries.
