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Nightmare Fuel / SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy

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  • Some characters have surprisingly dark endings compared to the more cutesy and goofy nature of the game on its own. Thankfully all these scenes are simply dreams. Despite the cutesy art style on some of the endings as well, the implication of the horrors involved are still enough to creep on you for a little bit:
    • Leona's features her succumbing to the Orochi and attacking the rest of the Ikari team. Although the nightmarishness of the scene is distilled mainly by the Super-Deformed art style and the fact that Leona uses a comically large squeaky mallet on them as well.
    • Mui Mui. After enjoying an all-you-can-eat course of meat buns, she suddenly inflates, floats out of the restaurant and pops like a balloon. Whether a goofy death or not, imagine that happening to you.
    • Sylvie's starts with her chained up and prepared for a session of torture from unknown NESTS workers - this may be her reflecting on her horrible past with NESTS. Thankfully, like almost all of the other endings in the game, it's just a dream.
    • Terry's ending surprisingly has nothing to do with his Gender Bender status in the game. Rather, in a rendition of the Real Bout: Fatal Fury ending, Terry fails to prevent Geese from falling off the tower. However, it takes a turn when Geese points up to Terry with a sinister smile, and Rock Howard is shown kicking Terry off the tower afterwards. Of course, it's a dream, and Terry snaps awake in time for breakfast. Even then, for a spinoff game that isn't all that serious, it's a bit of a surprise (even if the overly cheery ending theme gives the whole thing a bit of Narm to it).
  • There's something inherently creepy about Kukri dragging beautiful women off to another dimension and making them fight for him while wearing skimpy outfits, which he is implied to have put on them himself...
