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Nightmare Fuel / Running Scared (2006)

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Spoilers Off applies to all Nightmare Fuel pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • The scene with the pedophile Serial Killers is extremely unsettling, to say the least. Also, the homeless man that helps Oleg is pretty scary, especially since the movie use so little light for his scenes, that he's little more than a large dark shape.
    • Not helping with the former is the images of their shadows taking the form of shadowy, satanic figures as they spy on Oleg.
    • The playroom itself is itself such a Crapsaccharine World that Oleg, despite being a child knows there's just something off about the entire setting. Things begin to get really uncomfortable when the couple become insistent that the children become intimate with each other in front of the camera.
    • Then there's the presence of surgical tools, body bags, and star-rated snuff films of their many victims all found in the playroom. Also, the entire floor is covered in plastic and there's a shitload of unnamed chemicals lined up on the shelves. Lord knows how many children have been the victims of their depravity and how long it has gone unnoticed by the local authorities.
    • Then there's the long, hideous pair of snips hanging on the door for Theresa to see. You sick fucks, indeed.
    • The apartment itself is made of this, lavish and decked out with unorthodox features and hosting a playroom where the couple has carried out their many murders.
    • There's also the matter of anybody else who lived in that same apartment complex, apparently unaware of their neighbors' favorite pasttime.
  • Anzor himself is pretty frightening for anyone who's ever been the victim of domestic abuse.
  • The mechanic being set on fire by his own blow torch, with Joey threatening to let him burn to death if he doesn't talk.
  • Before the aforementioned confrontation, Joey tracks down the janitor who pocketed the gun. When the man doesn't talk, he breaks his middle finger. He also threatened the man's innocent wife in front of her screaming children to get answers out of her.
  • One of the Jamaican drug dealers getting his brains blown out by the dirty cops, just as he was about to beg for his life.
  • One of the dirty cops getting his balls blown off by Tommy.
    • That same cop is then executed with a point-blank range shot to the forehead.
  • The second cop getting his ankle slashed open and then slipping on his own blood when he's gunned down.
  • Joey being tortured with a hockey puck to the face.
  • Tommy being gunned down by the Russians with a shotgun blast to the back; his stomach essentially explodes in that moment.
  • Yugorsky biting off Frankie's ear, and then standing up to reveal his torso blasted open by Frankie with a shotgun.
  • Tony getting half his face blown clean off by a shotgun shell; even worse, if you look closely, you can spot his eyeball flying off.
  • Any scene with Lester, the Ax-Crazy pimp.
    • This line of dialog near the end encapsulates just how psychotic he is.
    Lester:Now I'm gonna cap your ass, and after I'm through with you, I'm gonna take your little punk friend, and I'm gonna put him in my posse, and I'm gonna pimp him out for a couple of months! And then I'm gonna take that knife of yours and cut him from ear to ear, JUST LIKE I SHOULD HAVE DONE YESTERDAY YOU FUCK!!!
