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Nightmare Fuel / Rorschach

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  • The night footage is full of Nothing Is Scarier, with lots of long shots of dimly lit halls or doorways, leaving the viewer no choice but to wait anxiously to see if anything will suddenly appear from the darkness.

  • When the home inspector comes to look over the house, everything seems fine. Then we suddenly see him leaving without a word, and Jamy has to go after him. His reason for leaving so suddenly? Patrick giggled at him.

  • The entirety of the garage scene. Regardless of what you're expecting to happen, it's nerve wracking to sit through.

  • Removing the paranormal aspect from it, the idea that someone might be trying to get into your house, or may already be inside and is just screwing with you, is terrifying enough on its own, without adding the Adult Fear of having a young daughter to protect.

  • The sounds coming from the vent. Ricky says it sounds like a voice, but it sounds an awful lot like pigs squealing, which is just as disconcerting a noise to hear coming from your vents.

  • The awful screaming during the final entry in the house, that sends everyone running. The volume alone is enough to be a bit disorienting, but the general sound of it is downright creepy to listen to.
