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Nightmare Fuel / Rayman Legends

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As this is a Nightmare Fuel page, spoilers will be left unmarked. You Have Been Warned!
  • The boss of the 4th chapter, 20,000 Lums Under The Sea, doesn't set the best example from the get-go with the title of "A Madman's Creation!", and it only gets worse when you enter. It starts out normally, you running through a small laboratory area on floating platforms, and after you cut the power to an electric barrier blocking your way, you walk across some odd scaly road, press a platform at the end...and an alarm starts blairing as the road you walk on comes to life! As it turns out, that was the body of the level's boss: The Mechanical Dragon.
  • Hades' Hand, the final boss of the game. It's a giant flying conglomeration of the Dark Creatures from most of the previous levels, and they take the forms of a giant hand, two flying demons, and a giant floating demon. The music's also very dark and low-key, unlike most of the soundtrack in the game.
