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Nightmare Fuel / Ratchet: Deadlocked

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Ratchet: Deadlocked is one of the more dark installments of the franchise.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The premise sees heroes abducted and forced to compete in a reality TV show called DreadZone where they are forced to compete for their lives against impossible odds. The captured contestants have to fight thousands of enemy forces or each other in order to achieve their freedom and are forced to wear electroshock Deadlock Collars to keep themselves in line. The producers and hosts of the show want as many contestants to die as possible, and if a hero refuses to compete, or tries to escape, then their permanently-affixed Deadlock collar EXPLODES. The owner of DreadZone has been kidnapping dozens of heroes and many have died in his games before Ratchet came along.
  • The Reapers, a mutant gorilla hedgehog crocodile race.
  • The Eviscerator is a fierce insectoid who doesn't talk and likes cutting up enemies with his blades.
  • Al was hurt by Ace Hardlight and got sent to the hospital. In fact, his body was mentioned to be "beyond repair" because of this, thus he had to replace parts of it with cybernetics.
  • The HD port has an error in the first battle's cutscene where the camera clips inside Ratchet's face, and it looks very, very freaky.
