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Nightmare Fuel / Problem Children are Coming from Another World, aren't they?

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  • Galdo Gasper not only kidnapped children to force their communities into a gift game with them - it's also revealed that he killed the children and had one of his colleagues eat their bodies to hide the evidence.
  • The leader of Perseus has absolutely no problems with horrendous acts selling people as Sex Slaves, like he tried to with Leticia. Who knows what else he did in the past?
  • The moment Azi Dahaka appears, things go south real fast as he proves that he is worthy of being a Last Embryo. He takes down Izayoi - who had previously proved near unstoppable and curb-stomped almost all of his battles - with ease, and all attempts to stop him only slows him down a little. Worst of all, he isn't even at his full strength due to being sealed for a long time.

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