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Nightmare Fuel / Praeludium Of Red

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  • Ney raises the dead with her cursed wineglass in a foggy graveyard in front of a clueless Chartette and Yukina - the latter is a teenage civilian with no stake in the conflict at all, and while neither realize the impact of what she's doing until later, the earthquakes freak them out enough to get out of there fast. They later run into one of the products of Ney's ritual in town: an undead soldier that's practically skin and bones, pure white, rotting in places, and missing their eyes.
    • It takes Chartette a long time with her rapier to best this single husk... and then, upon heading to Imperial palace, she and Yukina are met with Beelzenia's army corps fleeing from an entire battalion of them. The army does eventually marshal a counterattack, but it takes the entire rest of the chapter and almost doesn't pan out until an ambush by night turns the tide in their favor.
  • Kyle's demonic transformation is this: his narrative doesn't even seem to indicate any awareness of the transformation's nature, just that he's suddenly sprouting wings, fangs, and claws. Germaine, Gumillia, and Yukina find Kyle two weeks later in the forest, and he seems relatively lucid - but he quickly devolves into bestial aggression the moment he becomes angry, and after Gumillia tries and fails to remove the demon from him, he becomes so animalistic he even attacks Yukina.
