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Nightmare Fuel / Past Doctor Adventures

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  • Illegal Alien features the antics of a crazed Cyberman. And then we're treated to a glimpse of what the Cybermen do to their victims.
    • Ace narrowly escapes torture at the hands of a chillingly believable Nazi captain.
  • Matrix is steeped in this. An inscrutable entity invades the TARDIS, driving the Doctor to leave Ace in the care of his first incarnation. However, continuation of the Whitechapel murders has gendered an alternate timeline wherein sustained fear fed an incorporeal monster whose feral, sadistic "wraiths" keep Britain in a state of impoverished dread. This monster, an amalgamation of brutal thoughts distilled from the Time Lord Matrix, then briefly possesses the Doctor. A lost Ace and an amnesiac Doctor contend with poverty, crime, a brutally inhumane circus, a lynch mob, and aspects of their darker selves stoked briefly by the Valeyard.
    • The TARDIS Telepathic Circuit telepathically reveals the rule of the Dark Matrix, which manifests in a vision of bleeding streets and a colossal, spectral giant, which eats people.
  • The monstrous, nigh-on unkillable monsters of Storm Harvest.
  • The Mind Screw of Verdigris.
  • Festival of Death. There's a skull-faced angel on the front cover. The main villain wipes out an entire species in an attempt to send his consciousness back to his own birth to save his parents from death. The worst part? He succeeds, but is just a passenger in his younger self's head, hooked into the senses but unable to control anything. So he has to watch his parents dying in a shuttle accident an infinite number of times. And most reviews consider it humorous. Funny? It's flat f**king terrifying, that's what it is.
  • The alien horrors of Island of Death.
