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Nightmare Fuel / Onyx Equinox

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This being inspired by Mesoamerican religions, not only do we get horrific monsters and bodily mutilation for days but also existential horror too.


  • The Possession Burnout is a pretty creative way to display the gods' borderline eldritch status. Victims - which can be anyone - become their vessels, and their bodies gradually disintegrate. Some do so almost gracefully, like Quetzalcoatl's hosts become feathered reptiles, while others have the Body Horror up to extremes like Xipe Totec. In the end all hosts die from this, turning to ash. And even Quetzalcoatl is not above using children as hosts.

The Last Day

  • Mictlantecuhtli's sinking of Dani Baan. First he sends waves of scorpion-like servants to absorb victims into themselves - these are also very intelligent, figuring out that people can't defend themselves if their arms are broken - then have them cut open the throats of the victims. When the blood hits the groun their master towards above all, animalistic and feral and capable of killing other gods like poor Pitao Xoo found out. A final fist, and the city sinks to the tune of ominous Nahuatl.

Thicker than Water

  • Throught the episode the guards of Ox Te' Tun successfully drive off coati-like demons. They get too cocky and follow after them. The end result is their flayed faces squished on the floor.

The Stranger

  • Perhaps on the darkest moments in the entire series is Quetzalcoatl's recounting of the myth of the five suns, which the world was made and remade to the liking of the gods, with the survivors often ending up beastial creatures. In Quetz's words, billions have been burned, drowned or cursed.

Death From Above

  • The Tzitzimimeh descend from the heavens in hellish fire and absolutely destroy the village the heroes were hiding in. Women, children, elderly, doesn't matter, they're all torn to shreds by ravenous Banshee-looking mfs.

Death from Bellow

  • Turns out that the Tzitzimimeh are also superpresistent, chasing after the heroes from the sky for days. They only escape by ending up on an abandoned Olmec mecha.

The Bet

  • The very final scene of the series is Tezcatlipoca descending on the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. Beginning his destruction of humanity, he ruthlessly slaughters the terrified and screaming civilians, caking himself in their blood.
