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Nightmare Fuel / One for All and Eight for the Ninth

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  • Izuku's temporary bond with Toga. While at first he empathizes with her due to the prejudice she suffered because of her Quirk, he is immediately horrified by her gruesome vampiric fantasies of killing him and drinking all his blood and quickly snaps their bond.
  • The description of what Shigaraki plans to do with Izuku instead of killing him as ‘thanks’ for bringing his memories of his abusive family back: Chop off his arms and legs, mangle his vocal cords, cauterize the wounds, and give him to the sociopathic Toga Himiko as her personal blood bag/body pillow. And All for One will have given Izuku Super Regeneration so Izuku can't even hope for death.
    • A following chapter shows All for One intended to give Izuku multiple other Quirks, namely Survivor and Blood Bank, for the express purpose of forcing him to live longer and make it functionally impossible for him to die.
  • The sheer level of apathy Garaki has to giving his own grandson to All For One to make a Nomu. What's worse is that he implies that Tsubasa wasn't the first of his numerous grandchildren that suffered this fate. A later chapter shows he used all of his grandchildren to make various Nomu. The Winged Nomu? It was made entirely from Garaki's grandchildren.
  • Upon realizing that his cover is about to blown by the Ennead, Menagerie decides to pull his trump card. Years prior, he adquired the DNA of a rare howler monkey with a Quirk called Stampede, capable of causing non-human vertebrates to berserk upon its howling, and he decides to unleash it upon the island as sun goes down. Reader Z3r0n1us said better than anyone else:
    Z3r0n1us: I don't think it's set in for most commenters just how much of a clusterfuck that Stampede Quirk is going to cause. "Any non-human vertebrate" and "heard for miles", on an island full of prehistoric creatures. The vast majority of which are *GIANT NON-HUMAN VERTEBRATES*. Depending on how large the island is, he'd only need to use that Quirk a dozen times *at most* to get everything possible, including the flyers. EVERY CREATURE ON THAT ISLAND FROM PAST THE CARBONIFEROUS IS GOING TO BE AFFECTED. This is going to be one hell of a shitshow.
    GriffinGuy24: Calling it a clusterfuck is mild.
  • On a related note, Menagerie mentions he exchanged said monkey with a "rotund Japanese doctor". Obviously Garaki. Which means that a copy of this Quirk may be incorporated into the original All for One Quirk, elevating the already high level of threat that the scientist represented.
  • Chapter 66 goes a bit further into the Nomu. Monoma's "Analysis" tells him that they're not so much corpses as "twisted golems of meat", remarking that even their Quirks are mutilated together. In a way, it gets worse when he notices that Kurogiri isn't like that; his body is perfectly intact and the five Quirks fused with Cloud function as a single quirk. Garaki doesn't have to do things the way he does; he chooses to.
  • There is also the Mood Whiplash later in the chapter. At first it seems like it will be fully dedicated to a Christmas Episode / Birthday Episode to Ochako, with the members of the Ennead and the Urarakas hanging out and having fun. Then there is a Gilligan Cut to Toga, standing in a warehouse filled with corpses of the villains she killed, as part of her twisted attempt of behaving like a hero and being accepted by others. While the criminals likely deserved it (it's implied they were a part of the Creature Rejection Clan, a racist group that kills people with mutant Quirks), it's still unsettling going from a happy and upbeat moment to something straight out of a slasher movie.
  • With Hisashi and his team about to expose their plans to the world, Re-Destro decides the MLA will strike first and promises to deliver the Liberation cause as Valentine's Day gift to Japan.
  • The HPSC is clearly aware they are losing control of the situation given the Tea Spillers string of victories against them, so what they decide to do? Declare anyone who shows the slightest support towards them (for something as simple as comment on their videos) an accomplice of villainy and be arrested on spot. This crosses the line from having messed up priorities to straight up villain pettiness.
  • Bolo, the Commission lapdog that confronts Mina and Setsuna. Clearly a Bigot with a Badge that dislikes mutants, the man is a sick display of what the HPSC cares about: power at any cost. If it wasn't for Midnight's timely arrival, the guy would have certainly attacked two teenage hero students without a thought of care for daring to go against his deranged idea of law.
  • The HPSC is not happy with the recent turn of events, and starting to turn Japan into a Police State, with corrupt Pros having permission to treat any kind of opposition against the Commission as villains, best showcased with the heteromorph rally, with over 24 (5 run after Izuku and Mirko show up) pros ready to attack unarmed civilians. Had Izuku and Rumi not shown up, things would have end up bloody.
  • Curious' surprise appearance at U.A. causes Danger Sense to explode on Izuku and Mei's heads. Izuku himself compares it to when Tomura broke into the school before the USJ.
  • Curious takes Evil Is Petty to a horrible new degree. She marks several buildings surrounding U.A. with her Quirk just because the school is housing Izuku and his girlfriends. They can't attack U.A., but they can attack the nearby area.
  • Curious mentions that she and her MLA cronies are going to the JSDF base next, undoubtedly to do what they failed at U.A. Fridge Horror kicks in at full power after this: With her press pass, Curious is allowed to go anywhere in Japan (from other Hero schools, the Hero Commission HQ, Tartarus, the National Diet, you name it), turn the location (or worse, the people working there) into a bomb, leave, and nobody will know what happened until the explosion goes off. The amount of destruction the MLA is willing to cause for their second uprising will likely rival the chaos of the Dawn of Quirks, if not exceed it.
  • Chapter 70 marks the end of the calm, and the beginning of the storm.
    • Spinner leads a squad to directly murder anyone they can find in the now half-destroyed HPSC headquarters... only to find out too late that they were all meant to be unwilling Suicide Attackers.
    • According to the news reports, the HPSC headquarters was the main, but not the only target of the MLA. Military installations, lesser Hero agencies, and many other areas were targeted. You can only imagine the body count of this attack, not only on the victims side, but also at the MLA agents who much like Spinner, had no idea they were being used as living bombs until they went off.
    • The chapter ends with Re-Destro delivering a bone-chilling speech that marks the beginning of the War Arc.
    Re-Destro: People of Japan, despite whatever lies those in power may tell you, we are not villains. We are your liberators. For too long, those without power have chained those with it, and we will correct that absurdity. We will create a new world, one where the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. My great-grandmother, Yuko Yotsubashi, gave the old world a chance to redeem itself, and the Mother of Quirks was killed for her efforts. And so, my grandfather, Chikara Yotsubashi, knew he had to destroy what came before him! And so, he took the name Destro, and founded an army dedicated to Meta Liberation! And even in his defeat, his followers would not let his legacy die! A legacy that was cultivated in the shadows! A legacy I will uphold! (Black marks start to cover his face) I am Re-Destro, leader of the Meta Liberation Army! People of Japan, your government has failed you! Kept you leashed by corrupt weaklings who seek to repress our natural talents! We will free you from your shackles, and usher in a new era! (Lets out a Slasher Smile) Please do not resist, or we will be forced to crush you.
  • As the Uprising rages on, we find out the MLA is not the only villains that the Heroes need to worry about. While the fight is going, a group of racist heroes heads to Mosai Ward intending to kill the heteromorphs that live on the area, showacasing how some people just need an excuse act at their worst behaviour.
  • After defeating Curious' during her attack on his agency, Nighteye accidentally uses his Quirk on the villain. Whatever he sees, is enough for the normally stoic hero to be left beyond horrified. He attempts to rush out of the fight to warn Izuku, All Might or literally anyone else, but before he has the chance, Slidin' Go sneaks up on him and bashes his head against the wall, killing him. It's clear that no matter how bad things look right now, they are about to get worse.
  • Tomura's procedure to receive All for One's Quirk is nearly complete. Mugen shows up at his Vestige realm to check on his future body, only to find out that Tomura already knew about his plan to steal his body all along, and not only he played it through so he could get payback on his former master, he has no intention of stealing One for All, deeming Izuku and anyone who shares the Quirk with him too dangerous too live. He then proceeds to destroy Mugen's conscienceness, the older villain unable to do anything but scream inside his own mind, leaving him effectively braindead in the real world before seizing control of his Quirks. Given the fact that Tomura has already proven himself a far more competent villain than Mugen, and now that he is armed with one of the most powerful Quirks in the world, and in complete control of his body, the terrifying future that Nighteye foresaw in the previous chapter is taking a terrifying shape.
    • Before killing All for One, Tomura reveals what the Vestiges of the Quirks that Garaki cloned, and its full-blown Body Horror. They look human, mostly, but with ghostly wisps coming off of them, their faces slack-jawed with eyes dead and unfocused. Their scalps were removed, showing their exposed brains like the Nomu. Mugen's Vestige looks even worse, nothing but a drooling, seated abomination, whose scarred, deformed remnants of a face practically merged with the exposed brain.
  • In Chapter 74, Tomura finally cements himself as the ultimate villain of the story, and the repercussions are as scary as you would expect:
    • In a rather ironic twist, Tomura takes control of Mugen's braindead body and uses it to wreck havoc across Tartarus, killing the guards and stealing the Quirks from prisoners he deems useful. Amongst the Quirks he takes during this "shopping spree"? Moonfish's Blade-Tooth, which he uses to kill Gyges.
      • Mugen's body. Since he can't move properly, Tomura found another way to make him out of his cell by using Blade-Tooth to move him around. He resembles a collection of long, thin spikes growing out of his neck and piercing his flesh, jerking his arms and legs forward in an inexpert way, like an inebriated puppeteer moving his own body.
    • Tomura then uses Blade-Tooth to stab all the MLA lieutenants in place while he steals their Quirks, then finishes off by setting Mugen's body to explode, completely destroying the prison's front gate and allowing all the villains inside of Tartarus to escape.
    • Garaki's fate. While totally deserved and cathartic to see, it doesn't make it less horrific. Tomura pretends that the procedure was successful in order to get the doctor to drop his guard and then freezes him with Chronostasis Quirk. After that, Tomura decides to give Garaki a taste of his medicine and shoves five Quirks at once onto his brain, causing his height to double, horns grow from his head, spines grow along his back, and his skin turns gray, turning him into a "do-it-yourself Nomu".
    • By the end of the chapter. Tomura now has All for One's original Quirk, Gigantomachia and over 20 High End Nomus ready to be deployed and bring more chaos to an already wrecked society. That's not counting Dabi, who now has Geten's Cryokinesis Quirk, which makes him a perfect counter to both Endeavor and Shoto. The Bad Future Nighteye foresaw is upon us.
  • Chapter 75: Things officially go From Bad to Worse.
    • Izuku feels the Tartarus breakout, as well as Tomura's awakening through Danger Sense. The feeling is akin to a thunderous eruption of a volcano. Fitting, given how Tomura has officially become a walking calamity.
    • Tomura's first order of business is to order Gigantomachia to destroy his hometown, as an act of revenge for no one there lifting a finger to help him and leaving him at All for One's mercy after his family's death. Right before Machia leaves, however, Tomura gives him Re-Destro's Quirk, making the giant even more dangerous than he already is. And since he is already distraught over All for One's death, the chaos Machia is about to unleash will be astronomical.
    • Tomura then follows his attack by going after the Tea Spillers. While Mr. Compress manages to put Twice and La Brava in marbles while he and Gentle escape, it's too late - Tomura manages to steal Twice's Quirk, meaning he can now make as many clones as he wants in order to harass the heroes - all while Gigantomachia and the twenty High-End Nomus are sent out to destroy as much as possible.
  • Upon meeting with Izuku, Twice reveals that there is the high possibility of Tomura undergoing the same case split personality he went through with his Quirk back in the day, as if Tomura needed even more reasons to become unhinged.
  • Chapter 77:
    • Native's encounter with the High Ends. At first he manages to fend off the Hound Nomu at the cost of a broken leg and while it seems like he is going to make out of it alive, the Elephant Nomu shows up and it becomes clear the hero won't survive this fight. He manages to send a message warning other heroes about the Nomus before shutting down his comm so the operator won't hear his death, and while we (thankfully) never see it, the vague description states he screamed to the very end.
    • Machia's rampage across Ouen-Beru ends with the entire city completely destroyed and countless heroes and civillians dead. It also doubles as heartbreaking that so much death and destruction happened because no one tried to help a broken and lost boy long ago.
