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Nightmare Fuel / Need for Speed (2014)

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Sure hell is one way to kill a friendship. And destroy a million-dollar hypercar in the process.
  • Pictured here is the death of Pete Coleman, where Dino Brewster rams the former's Koenigsegg Agera on purpose by causing it to flip into the air and burst into flames upon landing into rocks down a ravine, killing him in the process. And then, Dino kept speeding towards the finish line while Tobey Marshall turns back to help Pete but to no avail before framing the latter for the murder.
  • Dino also kept the car he used in the fatal race like some kind of sick trophy (he's a car dealer, he could find someone to repair or junk the car)... and most of all, kept dating and became engaged to Pete's sister Anita, fully intending to lie to her the rest of her life about her beloved brother's death.
  • Anita's growing dread, first finding out that Dino's business (which she also works at) is in deep financial trouble, her eroding trust in the man she loves, and her lurking suspicions that Dino lying about more. Culminating in her discovering the fatal car, and realizing the man who consoled her throughout her grief over her brother's death, and her ex going to jail for being involved, was the one who caused it all; and that he intended to hide this from her, his future wife and mother of his children, for the entirety of their lives together. Dakota Johnson really sells Anita's quiet devastation in her final scene with Tobey. For any woman in real life who's been hit hard over badly misjudging a husband or lover, this storyline really resonates.
