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Nightmare Fuel / Mr. Do!

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  • The Scare Chord that accompanies a Unicorn reaching its final evolution in Castle, especially if the player eliminates all but one Unicorn and allows that Unicorn to stay on-screen for too long, or if the player knocks a Green Unicorn down an open gap with the hammer. Once you reach Scene 9, one of the Green Unicorns that spawn on top of the castle transforms immediately.
    • They can also multiply rapidly if you dilly-dally for too long in a stage, triggering said Scare Cord at least once every several seconds.
  • When the monsters of Do! Run Run turn red. It replaces the current background theme with a more eerie tune and the design of the two monsters transform into more nightmarish designs.
  • If you happen to have the original machines or PCBs of any game in the series excluding Neo and they detect a problem with the PCB (or anything else that could be wrong or nonfunctional), you get to hear a loud, sustained, low-pitched Scare Chord for almost a second every time the machine powers on. Witness a demonstration of it here.
