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Nightmare Fuel / Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

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  • The offscreen decapitation of an innocent victim of Deathstroke's rage at the beginning of the DC side's campaign.
  • Captain Marvel, a child, being infected by The Rage is genuinely disturbing. Becomes even worse when you perform a fatality on him as any Mortal Kombat or DC villain as they're completely unaware that they're butchering a child on-screen.
  • Although the violence has been toned down, some fatalities, and even worse, some heroic brutalities are still nightmare-inducing:
    • Green Lantern encases you within a bubble and then reduces its size. You can hear the bones crunch as he does so, and afterwards the victim is lying motionless, unlike other heroic brutalities. This finishing move is considered by many to be much deadlier than actual fatalities in this game.
    • Both of Sub-Zero's fatalities shatter the victim to pieces. It makes you wonder “how did that pass the radar?”.
    • Triumphing even Subby's are the Joker's and Deathstroke's gun-based fatalities. Slade slashes the victim to bits and then gives them a headshot.
    • Some fatalities even have a glorious display of bones, such as Scorpion's portal-based, both of Raiden's, and Kitana's Kiss of Death.
    • One of Joker's fatalities involves him fire the "bang" flag at the opponent, before finishing them off with an actual headshot. It was even worse in the original version, where there was no censorship whatsoever regarding this fatality, and the victim actually was shown being shot, with blood and everything. That's it not an over-the-top Your Head A-Splode effect like in MK9 makes it less gory but much more disturbingly realistic.
