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Nightmare Fuel / Kaiten Mutenmaru

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The cutesy art style of Kaiten Mutenmaru belies the horrors that happen there, especially in season 2.

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    Season 2 

City of Radiance

  • Chapter 119: King Ocean reveals why he has locked Umimi up for her life. When she was only a baby, Sick appeared and attempted to kidnap her in front of him to use her immense power for his ends. King Ocean managed to save Umimi from Sick but Sick promised to gain even more power than King Ocean and destroy everything in his path. The incident made King Ocean paranoid about those who would take her away from him, explaining his strained relationship with his daughter and his antagonism towards the Island Whale and Mutenmaru's group.

Earth and Sky

  • Chapter 126: Sick reveals that he plans to contaminate the source of all water with an Abominable Crystal once he reaches the Celestial Realm, delighted at the prospect of every living thing turning into a monster as he recalls the names of the places Mutenmaru has visited as well as Bikkura Village.

Ancient Land

  • Sick's backstory, as seen in Chapters 155-158:
    • The common people suffered under the tyranny of Pain and Yamai Solitude as the town was infected by Abominable Crystals. This doesn't make their atrocities and cruelty against children less appalling, however. They wanted Sick dead solely for being the son of the Solitudes, and when Anne mentioned him, one of them thrust her away in the belief that she was with him not because they were in love but because she's a spy for the aristocrats. They ultimately killed her in a blind rage for stepping between them and Sick before he escaped his burning house with her help. When Sick found Anne's grave, the victorious rebels gloated about killing his parents — who turned into monsters in front of him — and taking the spoils of war in his hearing.
    • Chapter 157 spends two pages depicting the pure, unadulterated fury on Sick's face in a more detailed style than usual after he expressed displeasure at how the rebels destroyed his happiness but got theirs. The fact that Sick was just a child makes it disturbing to look at.
    • The Pensieve Flashback ends as Sick transforms into the villain as we know it under the corrupting influence of the Abominable Crystal in one of his parents' rings, promising to make people despair as they ran away in vain.
