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Nightmare Fuel / Jean-Michel Jarre

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  • "Second Rendez-Vous" has plenty of bits that can cause this in people. If anything, the whole song is this because it's got a dramatic and fearful feeling throughout. A particular mention goes to that ominous sounding choir going off like a firecracker at the end. And also, that laser harp bit in the middle.
  • That god damned album cover for Oxygène. It shows Earth's crust peeling away like an orange rind, revealing a human skull beneath
  • "Part 3" from Oxygène, which is one very ominous electronic progression with a wailing synthesizer in the background.
  • "Le Pays De Rose" from Les Granges Brûlées, one of Jarre's early albums and his only full-length film scoring assignment. With its screeching analog synths, it's bound to conjure up images of death and destruction by technological misadventure. One YouTuber claimed it evoked Commander Sonak's death by Teleporter Accident in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
