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Nightmare Fuel / Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

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  • What happens to Jason's victims after he leaves their bodies. As Jason leaves Josh's body to possess someone else, Josh gruesomely starts rotting away, the highlights of this process being his liquefying skin sticking to a wall and his jaw falling off.
  • For how little you see of him in the film, Jason's actual physical appearance is pants-shittingly horrific. He's become so battered and beaten over the course of the franchise that his mask has been fused to his face, with scarred, bloated flesh growing around the edges.
    • It was designed specifically to show the results of the toxic waste bath Jason took at the end of the previous film.
  • THE ENDING. We see a dog unearthing Jason's mask while digging in the dirt. Nothing happens, but after a few seconds, THE CLAWED GLOVE OF FREDDY KRUEGER BURSTS OUT FROM THE DIRT AND GRABS JASON'S MASK! He slowly drags the mask into Hell, and then we hear his bonechilling Evil Laugh, setting up the events for Freddy vs. Jason...
