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Nightmare Fuel / Invaders from Mars (1986)

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  • The sudden, disquieting calmness of David's parents, on returning from the sandpit where the Martian ship landed.
  • Mrs. McKletch is stealthily pursued by David to her office, where he sees her eat a live frog. On seeing David, she yells vague yet ominously thorough-sounding threats.
  • David steels himself to visit the sandpit. In the side of the hill, a vertical hole leads to a cavernous underground network of tunnels, at the centre of which lies a huge, hellishly lit hallway. As David watches from the shadows, we see the Martian Drones: huge, glistening, disembodied heads, with barely visible eyes and enormous, growling mouths. A savage, bizarrely alien departure from the humanoid Drones of the original. And then, we see their leader, the Supreme Martian Intelligence, a disembodied head with contemptuously peering eyes. While its utterances are limited to lowing growls, it knows exactly what it's doing - its mouthpiece is the brainwashed Mrs. McKletch.
  • When David and Linda realize more and more people to be under Martian control, they flee across town. Driven away from home, unsure of who to trust, with space monsters lurking beneath the sandpit, the sense of isolation is alarmingly credible.
  • Into the rear necks of their victims, the Martians drill Mind Control probes. These burrow deep into the flesh, complete with a glimpse of skin breakage.
  • Dr. Weinstein of SETI tries to talk with the Martian Drones. Nervous yet tentatively joyous, he believes the mysterious visitors may yet prove communicative - and is casually blasted to atoms.
  • When things go tentacles-up, a disorientated Drone casually catches Mrs. McKletch in its maw, and tips her down its throat.
