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Nightmare Fuel / Inhumanoids

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You would think an 80's show, with Moral Guardians watching over everything in those days, would be less horrifying, but you are dead wrong. Between the horrifying transformations, vicious monsters and Family Unfriendly Deaths, it's a surprise that the only thing that stopped this show was declining toy sales.

  • Let's look at the basic concept; there are Eldritch Abominations at the center of the Earth... and they want to wipe. Us. Out. They can appear anywhere on the planet, wreak havoc to their heart's content, and then vanish before we can react. And did we mention they're all the size of kaiju?
    • One such monster, Metlar, is a gigantic demon of living metal & rock who can produce globs of magma/molten iron from his mouth and use them as projectiles, he can animate any ordinary stone or metal statue as a loyal slave-warrior, and did we mention he's implied an interest in what humans taste like?
    • Another such monster, Tendril, is a hulking mass of vines, a mountain-sized array of Combat Tentacles that can grow clones of himself within seconds of being shot or sliced apart.
    • You can make any fan (or just viewer) of the 80s cartoon Inhumanoids soil himself with just one word: "DECOMPOSE!". The third monster, D'Compose, is a sort of decaying zombie dinosaur who can both reanimate the dead as his mindless slaves and, with a touch, cause a living human being to transform into a decaying, gargantuan, monstrous version of themselves. He gets to show this off in the second episode. The results are... not pretty.
  • Episode 8 has D'Compose animating the corpse of Mad Scientist Doctor Manglar into the horrifying-looking Nightcrawler. Even he seems aghast at what he has unleashed!
  • Episode 9 introduces the crocodilian-looking Gagoyle, a baby monstrosity that hatches from a man-sized egg and then starts ruthlessly devouring its siblings, eggs and hatched ones alike. By the next episode, it's fully grown and is showing off a see-through stomach. What's worse is that this creature is explicitly a mindless eating machine; it exists only to devour everything in sight.
  • The screams of D'Composes's skeleton warriors and mutated minions are quite terrifying.
  • Given that this series is confirmed to be in a shared universe with the other Hasbro cartoons of the time, the fact that in a short length of time, this Earth suddenly was dealing with a terrorist organization out to conquer the world (as the public front for an ancient civilization), giant robots from another planet out to drain our energy supplies and conquer us, plus these nasties. It's horrifying to think about.
    • Though the fact they never show up past their own show implies that the Inhumanoids were slaughtered before The Transformers: The Movie. Possibly as a result of both GI Joe and the Autobots aiding in the fight against them.
